Glossary of terms

Equality is the fair treatment of all participants in the educational process without discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, political or religious beliefs, health status, age, sexual orientation or other characteristics.

Diversity is the acceptance and respect of differences in cultural origins, personal experiences, abilities and skills that contribute to the creation of a multicultural and inclusive environment, understanding and recognition of individual differences among participants in the educational process.

Inclusion means ensuring the full participation of students and other stakeholders in the educational process and university activities in general, taking into account their specific needs and abilities.

Discrimination is a situation in which participants in the educational process are restricted in the recognition, exercise or enjoyment of rights and freedoms in any form on criteria that may be true or assumed.

Gender equality is the equal legal status of women and men participating in the educational process, and equal opportunities for its realization, which allows persons of both sexes to participate equally in the life of the university.

Modern slavery – all forms of forced labour, human trafficking, child exploitation and other forms of human rights abuses, including involvement in criminal activities and use in armed conflict.

Mentoring is the process by which an individual is supported and developed by a more experienced professional in order to transfer knowledge and skills.

This policy declares Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute's commitment to developing an inclusive environment that provides equal opportunities for all members of the academic community. In its educational, scientific and administrative activities, the University consistently adheres to the principles of fairness and respect for diversity, equal access to education, research, and extracurricular activities in the environment of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, regardless of race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, gender identification, age, disability, ethnic and social origin, citizenship, marital and property status, place of residence, language or other characteristics that were, are, and may be true or assumed.

This policy is a key tool in the realizing the University's aspirations to promote equality, combat discrimination and develop an inclusive environment for all participants in the educational process.

The purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe, fair and inclusive environment at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute that promotes the full development of all participants in the educational process.

The objectives of the policy include:

1. Ensuring equal access to all educational, research and other university resources.

2. Implementation of cross-cutting inclusive practices in all aspects of the university's activities, including the educational process, students admission, personnel policies, research and administrative processes.

3. Preventing discrimination and harassment of any kind against all members of the academic community of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

4. Promoting equal in pay, overcoming gender disparities and supporting employees with disabilities.

5. Raising awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion through education and training.

6. Combating possible forms of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.

Key policy principles

1. Equality and justice, which provides for the guarantee of equal opportunities for all participants in the educational process in their desire to participate in the educational, scientific and other activities of the University.

2. Anti-discrimination, which includes the principle of zero tolerance of any form of discrimination on any grounds.

3. Inclusion and engagement, which means the active participation of all members of the University community in the educational, scientific and social life of the University, taking into account their specific needs and abilities.

4. Equal pay for equal work, which means the guarantee of equal pay for the performance of equal work with equal qualifications under the same working conditions, irrespective of race, colour, political, religious or other convictions, sex, gender identity, age, disability, ethnic or social origin, nationality, marital or property status, place of residence, language or any other characteristic which has been, is or may be true or perceived.

5. Accessibility for people with disabilities, which means ensuring the accessibility of educational materials, facilities and resources for people with disabilities, including the adaptation of infrastructure and the implementation of special support programs.

6. Combating modern slavery and exploitation – adhering to the principles of ethical conduct of activities that exclude any form of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.

Commitments of the University

1. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute provides equal access to educational and research opportunities for all participants in the educational process through diversification, adaptation and use of innovative educational practices, including all types of classroom instruction, expanding access to research opportunities, academic mobility opportunities and other types of academic and extracurricular activities. In particular, the University will endeavour to adapt educational materials and information resources to meet the needs of students with disabilities, taking into account the specificities of the different forms of disability (physical, sensory, intellectual and mental), to develop a safe and inclusive infrastructure adapted to the needs of various participants in the educational process.

2. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute follows the principle of equality in admissions, in particular, through the consistent implementation of transparent and impartial admissions procedures. The admission rules are based on criteria that do not depend on ethnicity, gender, religious and political beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other characteristics that are not related to the academic performance of the applicant or criteria that are separately regulated by the terms of admission rules.

3. The University ensures cross-cutting adherence to the principle of gender equality in education and science by developing a gender-sensitive and inclusive academic environment that is friendly to participants in the educational process with children and persons with reduced mobility. Promoting the development of non-discriminatory communication skills in the academic environment of the University. Implementation of practices to encourage women's participation in management decision-making through the implementation of soft skills and leadership development programs. Implementing practices to encourage the participation of female students and other participants in the educational process in research, academic mobility programs and other academic and extracurricular activities.

4. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute provides equal opportunities for mothers and fathers raising children by creating favourable conditions for balancing time allocated to work and family responsibilities. This includes the provision of maternity and paternity leave in accordance with the guaranteed rights of employees, maternity leave, individual study schedules, academic leave, expansion of distance learning tools, development of an environment conducive to supporting mothers and fathers (development of a network of rooms adapted to the needs of parents and children, etc.).

5. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute guarantees equality of remuneration for performing identical work with the same qualifications in the same working conditions through transparent personnel policies and regular audits.

6. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute develops a safe and accessible environment for people with disabilities and participants with low-mobility in the educational process. This includes the implementation of measures to improve the accessibility of the university's premises, the adaptation of entrances to buildings and dormitories, classrooms, laboratories and other premises, including the expansion of the network of inclusive toilets and shelters, as well as ensuring the availability of educational materials and resources.

7. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute develops mechanisms to protect employees and students from harassment, discrimination and oppression. The University applies strict and transparent procedures for investigating cases of harassment, discrimination or other misconduct. The University provides confidential support and counselling to victims of harassment and discrimination, and implements anti-harassment training programs for all employees and students.

8. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute condemns all forms of modern slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and child labour both within its institution and in its network of partners and contractors. Ethical norms of behaviour (in particular, those declared in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Code of Honour) oblige all participants in the educational process to adhere to the principles of respect for human rights and to ensure proper working conditions for all employees and students. The University regularly monitors its activities and those of its contractors and partners to ensure compliance with human rights and labour standards, including audits of supply chains and contracts.

Monitoring and evaluation

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is committed to regular monitoring of the implementation of this policy, as well as evaluation of its effectiveness. The university has a dedicated commission that monitors and evaluates the implementation of the policy and develops and implements relevant initiatives.

Education and awareness raising on equality, diversity and inclusion

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute constantly conducts educational activities aimed at raising awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion among students and employees. This includes training, seminars, workshops, mentoring programs and other activities aimed at increasing knowledge about human rights, gender equality, anti-discrimination, modern slavery, human trafficking and other issues that contribute to creating a safe and supportive environment at the university.

Public engagement

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute actively collaborates with public organizations, governmental and international partners to raise awareness, share experiences and implement joint initiatives aimed at supporting equality, diversity and inclusion. The University involves all stakeholders, including students, employees, alumni and representatives of the public, in the development and implementation of policies to ensure maximum effectiveness and fairness of these policies.

Commitment to continuous improvement

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute recognizes that achieving full equality, diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process that requires regular review and improvement of policies and practices. The university is committed to continuous improvement and is open to feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions from all members of the university community.

Final provisions

The effectiveness of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute depends on the active collaboration of all parties involved, regular monitoring of the situation and rapid response to the emerging needs of students and employees.

The indisputable conditions for the implementation of the policy are the university's reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures by the University, based on student and staff feedback, statistical data and other relevant indicators.

The management, relevant departments and structural units of the University are responsible for the implementation of this policy.

In order to improve and optimise the policy, it will be regularly reviewed and updated in line with changes in the socio-economic environment and the needs of students and staff.

The functioning of the policy will be ensured through its availability on the official website of the University and through the awareness of all students and employees.