
This policy confirms that Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in its activities adheres to the principles of state policy in the field of education and the principles of educational activity in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, in particular the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", and "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity".

The purpose of the Policy on Support of Academic Freedom is to define the basic academic freedoms of all participants in the educational process at the university, including pedagogical, scientific, and research staff as well as students. It aims to ensure freedom of knowledge, free expression of opinions, foster the development of critical thinking among students, and involve all members of the academic community in improving and implementing the development strategy of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The objective of the Policy on Support of Academic Freedom is to establish an educational environment that guarantees the autonomy and independence of all participants in the educational process. This environment enables them to engage in pedagogical, scientific, and innovative activities in a creative and free manner, in accordance with principles of transparency and publicity in the use of research results, while adhering to the legal restrictions in place.

Key Policy Principles

1. The right to pursue studies and gain knowledge. The students of higher education have the right to pursue knowledge in accordance with their own needs, interests and intellectual enquiries. They have the right to create an individual educational trajectory by freely choosing the types, forms and pace of study of the educational programme, academic disciplines (educational components) and their level of complexity, teaching methods and tools. Express their own opinions and participate in discussions in class.

2. Teachers are entitled to freedom of teaching. Teachers have the right to hold and freely express their own opinions, without being subject to censorship by their institution, organization, system, or team. They have the right to participate in public, professional or academic communities and associations. Teachers are free from interference in their teaching activities. They have the right to freely choose the forms, methods, means and technologies of learning and teaching educational components (disciplines) in the implementation of educational programmes. This includes the choice of teaching method (lecture, practical, laboratory, etc.) and the selection of educational materials and presentation format. At the same time, the principles of academic freedom do not negate the accountability of teaching staff at the university.

3. The freedom to conduct research. A researcher is entitled to select the direction, subject, approaches and methodology of their own research, and to freely test and publish the results, if they comply with the legal restrictions that apply. In the course of scientific research, the right is reserved to raise any problematic issues, including controversial or unpopular ones, and to demand that the administration facilitate and create conditions for the intellectual development of members of the academic community. The principles of academic freedom do not override the standards of integrity that should be upheld in the conduct of scientific, research and innovation activities.

4. In order to guarantee academic freedom and its constituent elements, it is essential to consider the specific characteristics of the individuals involved in the educational process.

5. All participants in the educational process must conduct teaching, research and scientific innovation activities in full compliance with ethical, moral and professional standards.

Code of Honour of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" supports these principles.

In the event of any doubt about their observance, any member of the academic community of the University is entitled to refer the matter to the Permanent Commission on Ethics and Academic Integrity of the Academic Council of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Commitments of the University

1. Commitments in the area of implementation. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute guarantees academic freedom of all participants in the educational process, which is implemented in the interests of the individual, the team, society and humanity as a whole.

2. Information commitments. The University shall ensure the publication and dissemination of the Policy on Supporting Academic Freedom to all participants in the educational process.

3. Commitment to development. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute provides systematic promotion of the principles of academic freedom.

4. Commitment to compliance. The university shall monitor and control the observance of the principles of academic freedom.

Final provisions

The effectiveness of the policy on support of academic freedom of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute depends on the active cooperation of all parties involved, regular monitoring of the situation and rapid response to the needs of participants in the educational process.

The indisputable prerequisites for the implementation of the policy are the reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures by the university on the basis of the feedback from the participants in the educational process.

The responsibility for the implementation of this policy lies with the management, relevant departments and structural units of the University.

For the purpose of improvement and optimisation, the policy is subject to regular review and updating in line with changes in the university environment and the needs of participants in the educational process.

The functioning of the policy will be ensured through its availability on the official website of the University and through the awareness of all students and staff.