From 14 to 17 May, the annual science festival, dedicated this year to innovative product design, ready for implementation in production, held at the National Complex "Expocentre of Ukraine". Participation in such research activities students of scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems has become a tradition.

Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of NAS of Ukraine AG Naumovets, head of the Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine VP Seminozhenko, vice president of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Academy NAPS AM Gurzhiy spoke at the inauguration of the festival exhibitions. In particular, VP Seminozhenko said: "These exhibitions show that the future of science - the future of Ukraine. Development of any country depends on its economy, which is determined by the competitiveness of manufactured goods, but competition ensures implementation of advanced technologies in the industry."

More than 80 scientific organizations of Ukraine presented their results at the festival of basic and applied advances that have demonstrated innovation in a wide range of industries - energy, construction, transport, medicine and agriculture. Most developments have been implemented or are under implementation, which eventually lead to the replacement of imported goods domestically.

Domestic drones (UAV R-100, R-400 UAVs) used to patrol large projects, monitoring of the atmosphere, the traffic in metropolitan areas, aerial reconnaissance environmental aroused great interest of visitors. This exhibit successfully illustrates the lecture course by Professor V. Maslov "Information Technology in ecology."

Майбутніх фахівців з екологічного моніторингу зацікавила також багатофункціональна портативна станція радіологічного контролю і моніторингу "ВЕКТОР", призначена для пошуку, локалізації та експрес-ідентифікації радіо­активних та ядерних матеріалів.

Відвідавши виставку, ми переконалися, що попри сьогоднішні негаразди, наука в Україні розвивається і має велике майбутнє.

Future specialists in environmental monitoring have an interest at Multifunctional portable station of radiological control and monitoring "VECTOR", designed to search, localization and rapid identification radioactive and nuclear material

. After visiting the exhibition, we found that despite current difficulties, science in Ukraine is developing and has a great future.

 Paul Glinski, Eugene Lefty students FIDE

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