Last semester, the first time the university held the monitoring of the quality of training. It provided several components – results of rector monitoring of students, results of attestation control, results of the session and results of sociological study by the expert survey of employers in companies where our graduates work.

According to the director of "SocioPlus" A.A.Melnychenko, the survey involved the assessment of the preparation of graduates by experts for a number of indicators. In particular, such metrics were estimated: compliance of specialist graduate to requirements of the work that he performs, the overall level of training, the level of foreign language, proficiency in software and information technology, which are widely used in enterprises, the level of training in fundamental disciplines and the level of practical training.

In addition, it was important for researchers of the center "SocioPlus" to define parameters such as business and personal qualities of graduates (sociability, diligence, commitment, discipline) which are indirect indicators of the quality of graduates’ training at the University. The study also included obtaining of the quantitative indicator - the rate of the quality of training based on the feedback from experts. For the calculation of the rate experts have analyzed the importance of each baseline. The average values of these ranks have been identified as the main indicators, which were important for experts’ assessments on graduates. As graduates represent different faculties, the experts’ reviews were later extrapolated to the faculties.

According to the results of complex monitoring of each specialty the index of quality of training in "KPI" was defined on the basis of this formula (approved by the Academic Council of the University):

according to professor V. V. Yasinskyy, the Institute of Monitoring of Education Quality (IMEQ) of "KPI" made the assessment of quality of residual knowledge through rector controls in the form of complex test of basic, professionally oriented and professional disciplines. – IMEQ of "KPI" in cooperation with relevant departments of the university set up the bank of tests which included more than 40,000 tasks on 885 subjects. Complex testing covered the students of the fifth year of 112 specialties of University (3,183 students)." Dynamic model of monitoring of the quality of the educational process in "KPI" was created that would permit explore the quality of department’s control of the educational process. An additional indicator that characterizes it, is presented in Table as harmonization coefficient (COG).

According to professor V. I. Shehovtsov, the head of methodical management of university, the results of rector control of residual knowledge and the results of certification and sessions were the most important. It was the first time in assessing of the quality of knowledge when the feedback of employers were taken into account that permitted to asses the overall result of specialists’ training.

According to the decision of the Administrative Board of "KPI" in February,
20 scientific and educational groups that provided high training quality in relevant specialties will be awarded. The teaching staff of the department of the first five specialties represented in the table below (where index is the highest) will receive 15.6 thousand. USD. monthly during the semester. Group of five departments that occupied from 6 to 10 places, will receive 9.4 thousand per month as encouragement. Department staff of 10 specialties who have taken places from 11 to 20 will receive 3.2 thousand. UAH per month during the semester as encouragement. It is recommended to spend two-thirds of the funds on encouraging of teachers (monthly), and the rest – for the development of technical base of departments each semester(purchasing of training equipment, teaching aids, textbooks, introduction of new educational technologies, etc.). The next step will be the promotion of employees of departments that provide teaching of basic subjects. From now this ranking is expected to be indicated twice a year. It is possible that other departments will receive financial incentives in six months. In connection with we should not smear this bonus money but encourage the kernel, core team, whose contribution to the quality of students' knowledge I the most significant. To keep motivation of teachers who provide good results, and they did not give up, and specialty did not lose high positions in the ranking. "

The proposals to improve the methods of monitoring for the future and certain adjustments of the main coefficients of given indexes were heard on the Administration Board. it will be possible to determine trends in the development of quality of education only after making statistics over several years. "It should be noted - said Corr. Of NAS of Ukraine the first vice-rector of the University Y. Yakimenko - that during the meeting of the board of the final section of polytechnics and technical universities of Ministry of Education of Ukraine, which was held on February 22 in "KPI" it has been said that monitoring of the quality of education at our university was held. It caused a great interest among representatives of other universities. They expressed a great interest in taking our experience. Summing up the discussion of monitoring of students' knowledge it was noted that this would be an important incentive to improve training at the university. "KPI" will be an elite university, as it was expected at its foundation.