Improving the quality of training was associated with improvements in the entire teaching work - methodical reports at meetings of departments and research councils, the development of new laboratory and practical tasks, visual aids, holding open sessions, instilling students skills of independent work.

A major role in solving these problems continued to play a methodical council. During the time from October 1949 to July 1956 at the meetings of the  methodical council and  seven all-institute conferences there were heard dozens of reports on current topics of educational and methodical process, for example, "The philosophical foundations of understanding of the laws of thermodynamics" (prof. Kichigin M.A.), "Methodological advice to teaching the basics of dynamics "(prof. Kilchevsky N.A.)," Lectures on the heat treatment of metals "(prof. Gridnev V.N.)," On the subject of graduate design "(prof. N.N. Vasiliev)," On protection of degree projects "(prof. Lisin B.S.), and others.

Considerable attention was paid to how to conduct laboratory work and practical training, the organization of industrial practice, course design, monitoring of students' independent work et al. [29, p. 203]. Methodological Council has prepared and issued a manual "By the method of preparation of the introductory lecture." In it there were discussed the issues related to participation in the learning process industrial innovators. It was during these years, the manufacturers were attracted to give lectures in the student audience. Only in 1951/52 on the mechanical, welding, thermal and Chemical Engineering Department there were given their reports the workers, masters, engineers and technicians of plants Novokramatorsk, "Lenin's smithy" Podolsk of S. Ordzhonikidze, GES-3. One of the regular lecturer was known innovator, speed turner V.K. Seminsky [43, p. 57].

Much attention was paid to the development of new laboratory tasks, production of visual materials, publication of textbooks and teaching aids, updating and compiling new curricula. Only in 1950-1955 years the institute has conducted more than 1,600 new laboratory activities, and tasks made more than 3.5 thousand charts, diagrams, layouts, and other visual aids. About 600 training programs were reviewed and written, more than 100 manuscripts of training and teaching aids  were prepared for publication, there were published 14 books, including the theoretical mechanics, descriptive geometry, general chemistry [29, p. 201].

In that time there was a need to eliminate the excessive specialization and go to the training of engineers generalists; eliminate overlap in the teaching of related subjects, reduce the number of mandatory training students for a week while increasing the hours for independent work, reduce the number of tests and examinations at the session; improve the quality of industrial training, course and diploma projects. Measures have been taken to improve the work of methodical council: display its composition, structure and activities established by the Commission to monitor the quality of employment, publication of teaching materials of skills development on polytechnical high school, organization and planning of independent work and practical training of students, academic cinemafication process and exchange of experience. The work of the Methodological Council was headed by the Deputy Director for Educations, more than 80 teachers participated in the work of the commission. 104].

According to the same principles it was built a methodical work of departments. Educational-methodical seminars were widely practiced. The first one was held at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, and later similar workshops have started to work on other departments. At the Department of Theory of Electrical Engineering in the seminar  teachers of other universities of the city, the Institute Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR were actively involved.Seminars in the departments of heat treatment of metals and metallurgy, iron metallurgy, mechanical engineering, strength of materials worked successfully. In 1955/56 at the Chemical Engineering Department it was organized scientific seminar which united the educators of three chemical departments of the faculty.

The further improvement of curricula and programs in order to increase the profile of training, the introduction of new disciplines, based on the latest achievements to science and technology was an important problem of educational and methodical activities.

The methods of teaching individual problems, sections of proposed courses, courses in general were discussed at the university methodical conferenses. Thus, at a conference held in 1955-56 academic year, they were heard and discussed the reports "Teaching section of the course on the calculation of fatigue" (prof. G.S. Pisarenko), "On the teaching of some aspects of the theory of functions in the course of mathematical physics" (prof. O.S.Smogorzhevskii). In 1956/57 they were heard presentations on the theme: "Methods of teaching courses in metal forming" (prof. T.N. Golubev), "Teaching method of tool production technology" (Associate prof. Z. D. Hristich).

The main focus was on teaching the most important problems, learning which was a prerequisite for the training of engineers. The simple descriptive sections were planned for independent study. At the Department of Theoretical Heat Engineering, for example, in the course "steam evaporation devices" students independently studied sections "Construction of heat exchangers" and "Scheme of evaporation devices" in the know "Industrial furnaces" - "Basic types of glass furnaces" and "non-ferrous metals Furnaces." At the Department of foundry to compulsory courses it was included a new section on process automation in the foundry industry, and at the Department of Physics of Metals, it was  radically changed the curriculum for engineers of Metal [45, p. 85; 46, p. 100].

Significant changes they were undergone training programs for the course "Theory of metallurgical processes", that completely "disappeared" in the course of physical chemistry. Changes were made to the distribution of lecture and laboratory hours of this course - due to increased three hours of lecture time for laboratory studies. The course "Ironmaking" was significantly changed the practical part: the presentation focuses on the management smelting process based on indicators of instrumentation to include automation [47, p. 95].

At the mining faculty they were agreed curricula courses on "General Geology" and "Crystallography", "Fundamentals of electric mining" and "Mining Automation and Remote Control". Scientists departments of radio receivers and electrical instrument jointly revised program of some courses. They were agreed programs for courses "Physical Chemistry" and "Theoretical Electrical Engineering." Methodological Council has developed recommendations for departments to improve the organization of independent work of students. They were set out in the booklet "Memo for students I year" [45, p. 91].

As a result of improving the theoretical level of teaching the staff of the institute has achieved high performance in the educational work. In 1950/51 they were successful at the examinations 94% of the students, including "excellent" and "good" almost 80% [22, p. 178]. Such success rate was maintained until the end of the 50s. However, in subsequent years, these rates declined slightly. The reason was primarily in the fact that since the mid 50s there were qualitative changes in the environment of the students.  In 1955 they were approved the rules of admission to universities, which gave priority in admission to persons who had experience of practical work and demobilized from the Soviet Army. Such persons accounted for about 40% of the total number of received and 1960 - 80%. Since 1960 it was also allowed to take young people in high schools that received the direction of enterprises, construction sites, collective and state farms. For these students it was set a higher scholarship, and upon completion of training, they returned to their enterprise. So, in 1960 on such circumstances, they were enrolled 360 students [39, p. 143]. Of course, the renewal of the students mobilized the army and producers had some positive point: the universities were filled by mature young people, many of whom had not only an idea of ​​their future profession, but also mentally steeled in labor and military bands. But the big break in training - two or more years-could not help but reflect on their knowledge. Thus, among the 1,959 students enrolled at the entrance examinations in mathematics  only 49% received a satisfactory score, in physics - 48.5% [42, p. 8].

The situation was complicated by the fact that at the end of the 50s they were changed substantially forms of educational work with students who do not have work experience. Such students must have two years to combine study with work experience in the workplace on the chosen specialty. For example, among the 1,540 students enrolled in 1960 in the first year, 564 combined study with work on the production.

Total in 1960 they worked in manufacturing and learned 1322 students, including 564 first-year students worked at factories as pupils, 622 second year - 125 workers, and 5 year - engineering and technical personnel. Of course, to study and work at the same time it was not easy, and this led to a decrease in performance.

Organization of educational process is also complicated by the variety of occupations for which training was conducted at the Institute of Engineers, diverse musical productions for which specialists were trained, multi-shift operation of enterprises, their dispersal in territorial terms, and others.

Under these conditions, the departments had to, on the one hand, to arrange double-shifted (afternoon and evening) training sessions, on the other - to transfer part of the course directly at the place of work of the students, as has been done for those who worked in the mines of Novo-Volyn. To better prepare young workers for university entrance it was opened eight-month training course, which in 1958 at the Institute enrolled 700 students with those at the enterprises of Kiev - 250, 1959  880 and 760 students, respectively [42, p. 7].

Along with this, the Institute conducted a search for new forms of organization of educational process. The departments began to practice drawing schedules, which are brought to each student. It was revised ratio of lectures and practical training, content and scope of programs, homework, a list of required reading. Lectures and laboratory classes were carried out by experienced and highly qualified teachers. Methodological Council examined the situation in some departments, organized a series of public lectures by leading professors of the Institute, in particular K.I. Vashenko, V.S. Kocho, N.P. Vollerner et al. [48, p. 107]. For students who do not have time for some disciplines, the department of mathematics, chemistry, descriptive geometry organized extra classes, conducted unscheduled consultations, introduced a corporate assistance of strong students to weaker ones. It was increased attention to the providing of the educational process with visual aids.

Along with the increase in the total number of students it was expanded training in specialties: chemical technology, automation, computer science, electronics and other industries of new technology. Thus, at the Radio Engineering Department it was began training of engineers in the field of industrial electronics, gyroscopic instruments; mining department - automation of processes in the mining industry; on electro technical - mathematical and accounting machinery and equipment, automation of production and distribution of electricity, automation and remote control; on the mechanical - rolling production process automation; on the  Heat technology - automation of processes of thermal power plants.

It was continued a consolidation number of departments, for example, on the basis of the department of general chemistry and inorganic chemistry, descriptive geometry and graphics, mine construction, mine, mining and mounting of building constructions, English and German languages ​​there was created 4 chairs - general and inorganic chemistry, descriptive geometry and drawing, mining and mining facilities, foreign languages. Removing from the programs of stale partitions  eliminated duplication of educational material and deepened the study of the general theoretical disciplines: mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry. They were starteBegan teaching courses and new sections corresponding to the modern development of science and technology - Automation and Remote Control, counting devices, software control. It is possible to create a special department: electron and ion devices, computing, dielectrics and semiconductors, automation of metallurgical processes.

The role of the course and diploma projects was enhanced. The main attention is now focused on how to bring the course and degree projects to the problems of production and science, to teach students to think creatively, apply their knowledge in practice. The best way to achieve this was a real design, ie the project to order production under the direction of the department.  In 1957 the number of such real projects was 14, and in 1958-151.

In 1958/59 the part of  real diploma projects on radio faculty composed 70%, the protection was occurred in the workplace. At the Faculty of Chemical Engineering 50% graduation projects have been carried out on the instructions of the enterprises, of which 38 made for the introduction of plants [49, p. 133]. In 1959/60 from 1537 graduation projects 453 were protected as real diploma projects, of which 320 - done on the production [42, p. 135], in 1961 of 1675 graduation projects, most were protected as real [50, p. 119].

The staff of the radio department showed a valuable initiative. Students fifth year instead of externship were sent to design offices and laboratories, where for one year they worked on engineering and technical positions, worked graduation projects as the currents works of enterprises. Simultaneously they were conducted evening classes. As noted in the report of the Institute for 1961 .., graduates of radio engineering specialties required for engineering and technical positions yielded good results. In this department in order to improve the design of training future engineers in May 1960 it was organized  the Student Planning and Design and Technology Bureau (SPDTB), which played a major role in the implementation of the educational process in the real course and diploma projects, to strengthen ties with the production of the Institute. SPDTB members and their number at first was 30 persons, performed the work commissioned by companies on commercial contracts. The initiative of radio technicians was supported by other departments, in particular on the chemical-technological and thermal. In January 1961 the Institute [SPKTB worked three branches: radio engineering, which comprises 35 students of Chemical Engineering - 25 thermo - 20 students. Later, the work of the Bureau was joined students of mechanical, electrical and other departments.

It was remained relevant  the preparation and publication of textbooks and teaching aids. By the beginning of 1955 library fund consisted of  500 thousand books, more than half of them - textbooks and technical literature, about 40,000.- socio-economic literature. On January 1, 1957, the library has kept 768,756 copies of the literature [51, p. 10]. However, a number of books did not meet the needs of students, especially when considering the introduction of new disciplines, courses and so on, which textbooks and manuals were not included in the library fund yet.

In this regard, special importance has gained the initiative of teachers as soon as possible to provide students with textbooks and teaching literature on the main subjects of the curriculum. By joint efforts they have already been issued in 1959 115 titles of educational and methodical literature - lecture notes, manuals, textbooks, technology metallurgical processes, chemistry and others - a total volume of 788 printed pages. In the early 70's library fund has exceeded 1 million copies.

In the formation of creative endeavors of future specialists  they were played a significant role students’ research papers, combined with the educational process. In scientific groups of the students there were many students. In 1952/53 there were 80 such groups, combined in 12 sections, attended by 2,500 students.

1955 it was carried out a contest for the best diploma rationalization proposal. The second prize was given to the student of the Faculty of electroacoustic A.G. Almuhamedov for the development of electron-pulse method for measuring detonation. Later, during the externship at the "Mosfilm", A.G. Almuhamedov drew attention to the fact that in sound workshop measuring detonations was one of the painful problems. His proposed solution to this issue, the Commission Bureau of rationalization and inventions studio recognized technical improvements. Studio  implemented it and sent materials for use in research cinema institute, the main department for the production of films and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the recording.

Student electrical faculty V. Demyanenko for three years worked in the scientific group at the Department of measuring instruments. During the externship at "Tochelektroprylad" he invented a device that allowed measurements in electric range with different frequencies. At city competition of scientific creativity of his work was awarded first prize.

Further development of  the students' scientific creativity facilitated by the introduction of individual schedules of performing the curriculum drawn up taking into account of students who have successfully engaged in scientific work, independent research. During this period, it was significantly increased the number of students scientific and experimental research. Fifth-year student of the Faculty of Mining A. Mikhnov working as the mine foreman at the mine number C Volyn Mining Group, during the externship designed to maintain the roof rack mounting during the work of the combine "Donbass-1." His invention was approved by the technical council of the mine and put in one of the series.

In May 1957 the city held a competition of scientific societies of the universities of Kiev, which was attended by 16 student groups. For the best organization of scientific work among students first place was given to SSTS KPI. They were noted the groups in the departments of acoustics and phonics (supervisor Karnofsky M.I.), High-Voltage Engineering (I.K. Mabuza), electrification of industrial enterprises (L. Radchenko). At the end of the 50s in the scientific work at 63 departments involved more than 1,000 students [42, p. 170].

Strengthening links with industry determines the main directions of scientific work at the institute. Since 1954, the ministries and departments were given the right to transfer funds to acquire universities scientific and laboratory equipment. They were set the rules by which research models, lab benches, samples machinery and apparatus, manufactured to perform contractual research works on their completion  became  the property of the respective universities. Thus, the contractual work became an opportunity to strengthen laboratory and material basis. If 1951 there were carried out theoretical and experimental studies 72, 1953 - 89 [52, p. 169]. In the state budget category leading place was given to the topics that have been developed to address the government and belonged to the most important scientific research. It should be noted that the development of economic contracts was constrained by financing limits established by the governing bodies of the state.


Department of Technology of metals with motorcycle factory has developed a classification of forging failure with the definition of methods to eliminate it, proposed a number of rationalization measures for stamping metal processing [53, p. 178]. A large amount of work were performed by the Department of boilers and thermal power plants.

The staff of the department manufacturers of machine tools successfully worked in collaboration with industrials. Kiev Machine-Tool Plant of A.M. Gorky was offered a new schematic diagram universal hydraulic slide that extends the technological capabilities of machines and increase their productivity. For the Kiev railway depot staff of the department created a portable milling machines for labor-intensive and machine for profiled individual response tires by speed milling.

Tangible assistance to industry on the basis of a cooperation agreement also provided other departments of the Institute, for example, scientists of the Department of Ceramics and Glass. They have developed a technology of the implementation in kapsel weight of pyrophyllite, which gave a major economic effect. An increase in the production of bricks was contributed by the method of accelerated training silicate mass developed Assoc. V.V. Manzhurnet (Department of General silicate technology and cement production). The efforts of the Department of steel metallurgy and production made significant progress in improving the work of automated open-hearth furnaces: improved their design, improved thermal performance, which reduced the supply of air for 10-12 thousand m3 per hour. The implementation of the ideas of open-hearth furnaces at the hot high-calorie low-pressure gas has significantly reduced the use of fuel oil.

Useful in expanding the creative links with production and providing them with assistance in getting acquainted with the latest achievements of science became the establishment of counseling center where scientists consulted on mechanical engineering, modernization and automation equipment and others. Professor K.K. Khrenov, V.M. Svechnikov, S.S. Rudnik, KI Vashenko, Pisarenko and other advice to workers, not only in Kiev but also in other cities. Prof. Pisarenko has provided assistance to the Leningrad plant of S.M. Kirov in solving some complex production issues, prof. K.I .Vashenko, Assoc. A.I. Firsov, teacher P.V. Avrinsky consulted on the introduction of advanced technology in enterprises casting, prof. V.N. Gridnev, associate K. Lvov, VG Perm - on the low-temperature processing of metals, the use of dashavske gas carburizing.

During the second half of the 50s Institute prepared 8457 engineers, and for all the post-war years (1946-1960) - 15 243 experts, seven times more than the number of graduates for all the pre-revolutionary period.

Among the students of KPI postwar years NAS academicians V.I. Trefilov, I.K. Pokhodnya, M.V. Novikov, V.V. Nemoshkalenko, A.F. Nemets, A.V. Gorodinsky, V.T. Troshchenko, Corresponding Members K. Samofalov, A.A. Dolinsky, A.A. Lebedev, A.N. Pilyankevich, P.S.Kisly, V.Y. Tonkal. Many graduates of these years were the heads of large farms, teachers of educational institutions of Ukraine, and in particular KPI.