Aircraft Designer Kostantin Kalinin

The Kostantin Oleksandrovich Kalinin portrait occupied the honorary place in the gallery of outstanding graduates Kyiv Polytechnic. And this place belongs to him by the right. However not everyone today remembers what this person is famous for.

Design development of FAX. Radiation counters of IDRI MP "Rhythm"

The disaster at Chernobyl demonstrated the need to create robotic systems, capable of working in dangerous for life and health situations. The development of such systems since 1996 actively carried out in the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of mechanics problems (IDRI MP) "Rhythm" of FAX.

Design development of FAX. Aircrafts of students DB "Abris"

Wish man to get off the ground and fly like a bird is a dream that for millennia has remained a dream. However, omnipotent genius of man overcomes any obstacle now people for fun or for sport can fly in a balloon, a few hours by plane to overcome thousand kilometers, to fly into space ...