Vice-Rector for Research: doctor of technical science, professor Sergii Stirenko
phones: +38044 204 9121, 38044 204 9405
e-mail: s.stirenko[at]

The Board of science and innovation studies is the university scientific complex, comprising the scientific, educational, research and development structural units, that are involved in the research and technical development and the implementation activities; as well as the academic staff training, science and innovation management subdivisions.

In its activities the Board follows the Acts of Ukraine ‘About the higher education’, ‘About the scientific and technical activities’, ‘About the priority orientations for the science and technology development’, ‘About the priority orientations for innovative activities in Ukraine’ and other statutory instruments of Ukraine, orders and provisions of Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, orders of rector, statutory documents of the university.

The Board conducts its activities through the interaction of academic activity, science and production, intending to acquire new knowledge, which is the basis for educational activities; solving complex tasks in the branch of scientific, technological and innovational development; implementation and usage in Ukraine and in the world market scientific and technological results and products, which are produced in the university.

The head of the Board is the Vice Rector for scientific work.

There are three directions of the Board’s activity:

  • scientific work;
  • innovation activity.

The Board consists of scientific structural units and subdivisions of management and organization of providing scientific and innovation activities, which are the part of scientific research in the university.