You are invited and waited by ancient Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine

Kyiv. This short sonorous word is a name of the city, whose roots go deeply in the ancient time. Its history totals more than 1500 years. This is one of the oldest Slavic cities, the capital of the early feudal state Kyiv Rus', the city known in the history as "mother of the cities of Russians".

Igor Sikorsky and his Kyiv address

June 6 (in the old style - May 25) marks 132 years since the birth of Igor Ivanovych Sikorsky. Today, he does not need additional presentation, it is not necessary to tell the students and staff of Kyiv Polytechnic, which bears his name, who Igor Ivanovych is.

COVID-19: Foresight for the capital

On April 9 scientists of the World Data Centre for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, which work in the structure of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the aegis of the International Science Council, published the results of the express research on the spread of coronavirus disease in Kyiv.

Theater With No Face

That is how Kyiv tour guides are calling the new theater building on Podil. The modern architecture allows the viewers to enjoy the things that are happening on the stage while not getting distracted by decorations.

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