Stepan Dmitrievich Ivasisen - an outstanding scientist, teacher, Head of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine HS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Stepan Dmitrievich Ivasisen had a glorious way of life, marked by many scientific and pedagogical achievements. He was born in Ivano-Frankivsk in a working family. In 1954 he enrolled in the University of Chernivtsi the Mathematics Department, graduated it with honors in 1959. Then he went to graduate school, where Professor S.D.Eydelman was his supervisor. In 1963 a young scientist successfully defended his thesis. Since 1961 S.D.Ivasishen worked at the Department of differential equations Chernivtsi University, where for years 1961-1969 he held the positions of assistant, associate professor and head of the department.

In 1969-1988 he lived and worked in Kiev.Until 1980 he worked as Head of the Department of Mathematics of the Kiev Higher Radio Engineering School of air defense. In 1980-1988 S.D.Ivasishen was an associate professor and then professor in the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Kiev University. Shevchenko. In 1981 he defended his doctoral thesis at the Institute of Mathematics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

In 1988 S.D.Ivasishen returned to Chernivtsi, where he created and headed the department of mathematical modeling in Chernivtsi University. At the same time he created and headed the first department of boundary value problems for partial differential equations, and since 1996 - Chernivtsi branch of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya.S.Pidstrigach NAS of Ukraine.

Since 2003 it was started the second period of life S.D.Ivasishen in Kiev. During 2003-2004 he worked as head of the Department of Mathematics of the Interregional Institute of Humanities University of Kiev Slavonic. Since September 2004, S.D.Ivasishen begun working in NTUU "KPI", first professor of the department of mathematical physics, and in 2005 he headed this department.

During the entire course of life the scientist and educator gives his knowledge and energy to teaching mathematics in higher education, guiding the work of students and young teachers. Among his immediate disciples there are 12 candidates of sciences. More than 70 students, which scientific work was guided by Stepan Dmitrievich, made presentations at scientific conferences.

The main scientific results S.D.Ivasishena were related to the theory of the Cauchy problem and boundary value problems for parabolic equations and systems of partial differential equations. To this theory both his thesis and dissertations of his students were devoted. S.D.Ivasishen is the author of over 200 publications, including 3 monographs and 10 textbooks. Of particular note is the monograph "The Matrix Green parabolic boundary value problems", published in Kiev in 1990, and coauthored monograph "Analytic methods in the theory of differential and pseudo-differential equations of parabolical type", published in Basel, Boston, Berlin 2004.

Among manuals S.D.Ivasishen there are "Lectures on the theory of differential equations" (1973); "Higher Mathematics" (2004); "Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics" (2005). These manuals are introduced in the educational practices of higher education in Ukraine and have recognition among teachers and students.

S.D.Ivasishen was among academicians-founders of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine. He is a member of the Ukrainian (since 1995) and American (1996) Mathematical scientific societies. Stepan Dmitrievich is a member of the editorial boards of four scientific professional journals. For his achievements in the work he was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor, the jubilee medal "For valorous work" and "Excellence in Education of Ukraine".

Highly educated people, beautiful professional, responsive and friendly leader S.D.Ivasishen enjoys great respect and authority among teachers and students. He is actively pursuing his original research that concludes each year with new and new non-trivial results.