Education and Research Institute of Aerospace Technologies of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Contact information:
IAT address: building number 28, Professor Pavlovsky Street (formet Botkin St.), 1, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine

Phones: +380 44 204 9487, +380 96 471 3796
E-mail: iat[at], iatd[at]
Director, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Ivan Korobko

Divisions of the Institute of Aerospace Technologies

Creation of the Training and Scientific Institute of Aerospace Technologies in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute became quite a logical result of the development of avia and spacecraft technology, considering that Ukraine is a spacefaring nation with rich past and confident potential for the future.

The institute carries out training of highly qualified, competitive aerospace and space specialists due to systematic interaction of practitioners - researchers with students and lecturers. The association of theory and practice at the Institute of Aerospace Technology creates a platform for the discovery of the creative potential of student youth and young professionals, while involving the younger generation in the process of designing the future.

During the study, students of the institute receive education at the level of the best universities in the world.  The graduates own fundamental knowledge in the field of design, creation and operation of the latest aircraft and rocket space equipment with the use of modern software products, hardware, computer and computer systems and information technology designing both special and general purpose for various branches of science and industry.

Specialities and areas of specializations of IAT

Terms of training of specialists: bachelor (b) - 3 years 10 months; Master (m) - 1 year 4 months or 1 year 9 months depending on the chosen program of study - educational or vocational or educational.

Subject area – 13 mechanical engineering

  • ** Planes and helicopters
  • **Missile and space systems

S ubject area - 17 electronics and telecommunications

173 Avionics

  • ** Control systems of aircraft and complexes

On all specialties IAT:

- additional points of selection committee extend and the branch coefficient is considered (1.02);

- it is recruited on the basis of ROC "junior expert"

** specializations

Master program of dual formation of Institute of Aerospace Technologies

134 aviation and missile and space equipment (GP)

Educational programs:

  • Aviation and missile and space equipment
  • Missile and space systems

The training programs, which include joint masters training for the FIREFLY (USA) rocket and space company (in Ukraine – “FIREFLY AEROSPACE UKRAINE” LCC ) in cooperation with the NOOSPHERE company (the USA) (in Ukraine - public organization "NOOSFERA Association"),are being developped . At the same time Future masters will combine study with work in the Centre  “FIREFLY AEROSPACE UKRAINE”LCC,working on real projects on development of light launch vehicles which will deliver freights in space (satellites).

The graduates of any technical higher education institution of Ukraine with a bachelor's diploma who will be interviewed with representatives of NGO "ASSOCIATION NOOSPHERE", "FIREFLY AEROSPACE UKRAINE" LLC and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as well as those who entered Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, may become participants of the program of preparation of masters for the corresponding educational program.

Classes will be held at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the rocket and space design center of the “FIREFLY AEROSPACE UKRAINE” LCC (Dnipro).