Department of Economic Cybernetics (EC), Faculty of Management and Marketing, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Phones: 204-85-07,204-98-63, 204-80-27, 204-98-59,
E-mail: ec.fmm.kpi[at]
Department of Economic Cybernetics of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is based on the unification of two departments: "Theoretical and Applied Economics" and "Mathematical Modeling for Economic Systems".
The program of the department provides education with economic, managerial, mathematical and computer-technological foundation, which provides a high level of basic professional training, wide opportunities for further specialization and career development.
The department provides teaching of the following sections: optimization methods and models; econometrics; discrete analysis; simulation modeling; decision support systems; forecasting of socio-economic processes; theory of random processes; research of operations in the economy; economic modelling; methods of teaching professional disciplines; economic risk; modeling of economic dynamics; system analysis; mathematical models of transformational economy; modeling of microeconomic processes; modeling in financial management; modeling of system characteristics in economics; applied econometrics; research methods; macroeconomics; microeconomics; business and financial analysis; personnel management technologies; advanced information HR-technologies (HRM, Web-tutor, SharePoint); evaluation, audit, controlling and accounting of personnel.
Specialist in "Economic Cybernetics" is highly qualified in the field of analysis and management of various sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, finance, banking, public administration and others. Specialist masters modern methods of collecting information and forming databases; analysis and forecasting of economic situations using modern mathematical models and the latest information technologies; management of economic objects in conditions of risk.
Basic professional competencies – the ability to:
- systematize and analyze information about the management system of the economic object;
- analyze the production and economic activities of economic facilities;
- make economic and mathematical models of objects and control systems;
- analyze and model of the economic risk;
- develop business process models;
- design databases and repositories of economic data;
- model the decision-making process taking into account uncertainty;
- develop forecasting mathematical models of development of economic processes and systems;
- calculate detailed business and financial analysis.
Students gain fundamental knowledge of economics, programming and mathematical analysis, master the necessary analytical basis in:
- cybernetic modeling of economic and social systems, a hierarchy of models;
- skills of complex assessment of complex hierarchical systems and subsystems, integrated assessment;
- correct perception of constructive information and entropy;
- optimization of information flows in solving management problems.
Economic cybernetics educates a new generation of top managers who have deep economic knowledge, mathematical apparatus and modern technologies.
Department of "Economic Cybernetics" of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is based on the unification of two departments: "Theoretical and Applied Economics" (website: and "Mathematical Modeling for Economic Systems" (website: