A. Chyzhskyi graduated from KPI in 1931. He worked in DIPROmash. According to his projects and under his leadership heating and drying ovens were built on a number of engineering plants. Since 1933 his research and teaching activity in KPI began, which was interrupted by the war. Among many other employees of the institute Anatolii defended the motherland – was in a war from the first to the last day. He took part in the defense of Kyiv and Stalingrad, was the commander of an artillery battery, was awarded with many orders and medals. It was the commander who by personal example inspired fighters on combat missions.

Immediately after the war, Anatolii returned to work in KPI, where in 1944 the Metallurgical Department was organized. For him the postwar period is characteristic for creative mood. His informative lectures read for all disciplines of Mechanical Engineering Department and for specialty "Metal Forming" of Engineering Faculty, always aroused interest among students. Under the guidance of the famous metallurgist and academician of the AS USSR M. Dobrokhotov he completed his candidate thesis. A. Chyzhskyi conducted original theoretical and experimental research to identify the mechanisms and conditions of cracking during drying pottery. He created criteria for cracking when drying products and traced the relationship between a maximum speed of drying and thickness of products. The scientist developed an express-method for determining the sensitivity of the clay to drying, hundreds of times faster than known at the time methods, which is very important in industrial production.

А. Chyzhskyi’s scientific interests include not only the research of the process of drying bulk materials and plastic products made of them, but also the development of the projects of dryers, using high-frequency heating, the development of the theory and practice non-oxidizing heating. He was the chairperson of the subsection "Building Materials", All-Union Scientific Council at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, member of the section of thermal processes in ршро-temperature apparatus and designs of Thermal Physics Council of the USSR. He has published 2 books, 2 monographs, over 30 scientific articles, 3 author's certificates for inventions.

Anatolii was an outstanding teacher, who had a lot for teachers and students of АЗУ to learn; an intellectual of the highest quality that combineв modesty and generosity with tireless work. His memory lives in the hearts of his followers.