KPI - one of the oldest universities in Ukraine. Its 110-year-old age especially clearly demonstrate its architecture first and fourth cases that look like aliens from the past among modern noisy environment. But in a modern building research libraries "KPI" there is the hall, coming to which  you get in the beginning of the last century. This KPI Hall works of scientists,in which there are not only books and magazines, but also reports, lists of students and other materials got to the library from the earliest days of the KPI - the room where our history is stored.

The library was created at the same time with the Institute. Its first director was M.F.Bilyashivskyy - Ukrainian archaeologist, art historian, ethnographer, later - Academician of Ukraine. In the first year of college funds for the library was released 3 thousand Rubles, for which purchased 556 titles and 17 magazines. Then the library   received significant publishing property from the widow of Professor Borodin (1154 volumes) from IG Repashova VV Ignatovich-Zavileyskoho, department of agriculture, forestry department, the Department of Trade and Manufactures.

The first quarter of the old book stock grew by an average of a thousand names every year, and half to buy, and the rest received a gift from various individuals and institutions. The most significant donations made N.Meyyeer,  Fortunatov, Konovalov,  Listov. Periodicals send department of agriculture, Ministry of  Finance, the Ministry of Railways. Teachers of KPI studying foreign experience, visiting England, France, Germany and other Western European countries. Returned not only with scientific work, but also bought books transferred to the library.

Over the years, the library survived the revolution, the civil and the Great Patriotic War, was with KPI evacuated to Tashkent, then returned to Kyiv. Many unrest absorbing history when literature could be lost. Nevertheless, the very first, the oldest  copies had preserved.

I can not resist not to name a few copies of the first interesting serial numbers KPI library. There are, for example:

  • "Catalog of periodic editions of the library of the Kievan Polytechnic Institute of the Emperor Alexander II. 1909 "," which includes all periodicals and journals received by the library from the opening day of the institute on August 30, 1898, to December 31, 1908, totaling 693 titles, in the number of 11,500 volumes ";
  • "BKP.I. Zhurnaly. 1898-1902. Material Book of the Library of the KPI of Emperor Alexander II ";
  • "Report on the state of Kiev Polytechnic  Institute of the Emperor Alexander II for 1899";
  • "List of books of the reference department of the Library of the KPI. 1904 ", I have a written number number 115 written -" Brockhaus. - Encyclopaedic dictionary. St. Petersburg. 1891-1903 "
  • "List of Russian and foreign periodic publications issued in the Biblioteka KPI in 1905".

There is very interesting "Catalogue of the Library Book studencheskoy-reading. 1907 g. " The catalog recorded books, which are now available for use:

  1. Essays on the History of the Ukrainian Literature ХІХ столътія. N. Petrova. Кіев. 1884.
  2. The collection of Goethe's works in the translations of Russian writers. Volume seven. Travel to Italy. St.Petersburg. 1879.
  3. V.Nemirovich-Danchenko. Essays on Spain. From travel memories. Moscow. 1888.
  4. The work of NV Gogol. Published tenth. Volume of the fourth. Moscow. 1889.
  5. 1894. Byron. Tom the first.
  6. PAKulish. Memoirs of the day. Povsti. Bakhmut. 1899.
  7. Works and letters of Alexander Pushkin. Tom the second. St. Petersburg. 1903.
  8. Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky. Нові повісті й оповідання. On tour in Mikitians. Повість з життя украінських артистів. Volume VІІІ. Kiev. 1911.

By the Inventory numbers 2, 10, 25, 27, 32, there are the following in the shovels:

  1. Factory-chemical control of the main production of mineral chemicals. KG Dementiev. St. Petersburg. 1897.
  2. Modern methods of construction mechanics in Miller-Breslau and Foppel. G.Bulgak. 1898.
  3. On the origin of species in the kingdoms of animals and plants through the natural selection of relatives. The composition of Charles Darwin. S.Peterburg. 1864.

And also - English, French, German edition of Physics, Chemistry, 1862, 1875, 1883, 1895 edition.

Our library - is not a museum or an archive, and the books here are not only saved. We are proud of our presence in the collections of ancient literature publication years and believe that it will be useful to researchers, teachers, students and researchers of history.

Come here- look, touch - and learn the history of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute , technology and higher education in the primary sources!

L.L.Handyuhina, senior librarian