Our university will develop and apply the latest biomedical technologies that will save hundreds of lives even more actively!
KPI students will do this crucial work together with:
📌 National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;
📌 Sikorsky Challenge Science Park of Additive Technologies;
📌 Sikorsky Challenge Innovation Holding;
📌 Kolo Charitable Foundation.
Further cooperation was approved in a five-party memorandum.
“The merger of our institutions should have taken place long ago so that the advanced ideas of our Ukrainian doctors could be implemented here in Ukraine, not abroad. Now, together with you, we will be able to make our Ukrainian product to save the lives of our people,” Vitaliy Tsymbalyuk, President of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
“Today, the health of Ukrainians depends on the unification and synergy of medical and engineering sciences - they will overcome the biggest challenges of the next decades,” Anatoliy Melnychenko, Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Research results and proposals from researchers in the field of medicine will help Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute specialists to implement even more projects in the following areas
- regenerative medicine;
- implementation of the most effective technologies for war victims, work with mine and gunshot injuries, including prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation;
- information technologies for healthcare needs;
- development of the latest medical devices;
- certification (attestation) of specialists.