On May 24, 2024, the Department of History of the Faculty of Sociology and Law of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “History, Culture, Memory in the Scientific Dimension: State and Prospects” (topical issues of the new and modern periods).

The conference was attended by 9 doctors of sciences, 30 candidates of sciences, 4 researchers, 10 postgraduate students, 9 masters, 1 history teacher, and 1 independent researcher. There were also foreign scholars among the participants. Among them were Elek Barta, professor, doctoral vice-rector of the University of Debrecen (Hungary), his colleague Peter Forisek, doctor of habilitation in history, chief director of the teacher training program at the University of Debrecen; Oksana Mitrofanova, PhD in political science, teaching and researcher at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Paris, France); Jean-Jacques Pluchard, PhD in history, associate researcher at the University of Paris-Sergi (Paris, France).

The Ukrainian side was represented by researchers from the Department of History of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Mariupol State University (Kyiv); National University of Ostroh Academy (Ostroh); National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv); Rivne State Humanitarian University (Rivne); National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv); National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (Rivne); East

The participants worked in the following sections:

Section 1: Cultural and historical memory;
Section 2: Source studies, historiography and methodological aspects;
Section 3: Historical biography, oral history, gender studies;
Section 4. Scientific findings: unknown and little-known historical events and facts;
Section 5. Features of the development of science, culture, education, art;
Section 6. History of everyday life;
Section 7. Topical issues of the history of international relations.

Based on the results of the conference, the organizing committee prepared a collection of scientific papers, which included 60 reports by 64 authors.

Ihor Tarnavsky, Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of History

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