At the beginning of February, the Academic Council of the University approved the first recipients of two new scholarships. The first one - named after Nila Krasnoshapka - will be awarded to two students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University every semester starting from 2024. The second one, named after Associate Professor Volodymyr Krasnoshapka, will be awarded to one student of the Faculty of Sociology and Law. The scholarships will be paid regardless of whether the student is studying at the expense of the state budget or at the expense of individuals and legal entities, and whether he or she receives an academic scholarship. The amount of scholarships is UAH 2,500 per month.


Nila Gavrylivna Krasnoshapka, in whose honor the first scholarship was established, after graduating from the Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1965, was assigned to work as an assistant at the Department of Higher Mathematics of the KPI.  Until 2010, she worked as an associate professor at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Equations of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. She taught a course in higher mathematics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (now the Institute of MMI). In the 70s and 80s of the last century, she was the deputy dean of the Faculty of General Engineering. The scholarship in her honor was established by her son, Associate Professor Volodymyr Krasnoshapka, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and, at the same time, Chief Analyst of the Financial Markets Analysis and Forecasting Department of the Investment Fund "Investment alliance XXI century". He also founded his own scholarship for students of the Faculty of Sociology and Law.   

As Volodymyr told the Kyiv Polytechnic correspondent, two scholarships named after Nila Krasnoshapka are awarded for six months on a competitive basis to students of the 2nd-4th year of bachelor's or first year of master's degree at the FMF who are pursuing higher education in the specialties 104 "Physics and Astronomy" (educational program - "Computer Modeling of Physical Processes") and 111 "Mathematics" (educational program - "Insurance and Financial Mathematics"). His scholarship is also awarded on a competitive basis for six months to a student of the FSP majoring in Sociology. 

The first recipients of the Nila Krasnoshapka scholarship were FMF students Dmytro Sverdlichenko (OF-01) and Yegor Okuniev (OM-01), and the Vladimir Krasnoshapka scholarship was awarded to FSP student Oleksandr Lytvynenko (SL-21).

Dmytro Stefanovich