✅ Educational process

On Saturday, June 8, the final examination session ends. Exams will begin on June 10.

At a meeting of the Administrative Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the features of the educational process in the new academic year were approved. It will be held in a mixed format.

The educational centers "Donbas-Ukraine" and "Crimea-Ukraine" have started working at the university. They will provide conditions for simplified admission of students from the temporarily occupied territories.

Teams of students from the FBMI and FBT of KPI won the international biohackathon held at the Warsaw University of Technology on May 24-26.

The accreditation process of the university's educational programs continues. The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education confirmed its readiness to accredit 3 more bachelor's degree programs of Kyiv Polytechnic.

The results of registration for the main session of the USQE have been published. 2,504 KPI graduates and about 900 people from other universities registered for the single entrance exam for master's degree. This year, the number of people who registered for the USE was one and a half times higher than the total number of places for enrollment.

There are already 1,000 applications for admission to the postgraduate program, and 900 applications have been submitted in person and via electronic means of communication. KPI is among the top five universities in Ukraine with the highest demand for admission to the master's program.

✅ Scientific activity

Approximately 500 KPI scientists are awarded based on the results of their articles in scientific journals. These publications are indexed in major international databases, which ensures the growth of scientometric indicators of authors.

✅ International activities

The members of the organizing committee of the International Forum "Ecology and Peace", which took place on the basis of KPI, finalized and translated into English the Declaration of the Forum. The document will be sent to influential international organizations and governments of many countries, as well as to the Global Peace Summit, which will soon be held in Switzerland. It aims to initiate the prosecution of Russia for the crimes of military ecocide in Ukraine.

KPI continues to actively cooperate with international embassies. A meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ukraine is planned.

55 students and 5 scientists of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will travel to Poland in a week to participate in the largest gender-oriented conference in Europe and Asia in the field of STEM "Women in Tech Summit 2024" at the invitation of the Polish educational foundation PERSPEKTYWY.

130 thousand dollars of charitable assistance will be used to create a new laboratory at the FTI, where students will work on cybersecurity of critical infrastructure.

✅ Improvement of the campus

The number of places in shelters on campus is being actively expanded. A room for 50 people has been inspected in the 1st building. Work is underway to create a shelter in the 16th building.

Kyiv Polytechnic is preparing for possible blackouts. Generators have already been placed on the territory of KPI, which can generate 547 kW of electricity for the buildings.

University specialists together with representatives of the "I am your doctor" clinic are inspecting the premises for the future office where X-ray examinations and tests will be conducted.

The KPI Students' Trade Union has a point where you can charge your gadgets and connect to the Wi-Fi network during a power outage.

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