On May 30, the final meeting of the Administrative Council of the University was held in the current academic year. It summarized some of the results of the academic year that is coming to an end and outlined plans for the coming year.

☑️ Results of the current academic year

The semester control continues at the university and the session period begins. Full-time bachelor's and master's students will take exams from June 10 to June 26. Full-time postgraduate students of the 1st and 2nd years of study will also take exams from June 10 to 26. The liquidation of academic debts will begin on June 24.

The results of accreditation of educational programs have been published. For the 1st semester of the current academic year, 35 educational programs were accredited, and for the 2nd semester - 19. Among the accredited programs are 4 bachelor's degree programs, 49 master's degree programs and 1 doctoral degree program.

The university has started unification of accounting in a single MASTER program, which will ensure full automation, security and continuity of KPI accounting.

The results of registration for the EHEA/EFEA. There are 2 504 KPI graduates and 895 applicants from other universities registered. From June 17 to 21, additional registration is open.

Improvement of the campus. Throughout the year, the university increased the number of places in shelters and installed generators. Currently, 26 academic buildings and 15 dormitories are equipped with generators. Additionally, two generators with a total capacity of 134 kW will be installed. One of them will power two buildings: one houses all information sources and communications for distance learning; the other houses all the resources that ensure the life and safety of the university. The second powerful generator will power the scientific and technical library and partially the 7th building.

☑️ Features of the new, 2024/2025 academic year
Kyiv Polytechnic will maintain the quality of education under martial law.
⏺ Strengthen interaction with participants of the educational process through cloud environments, where the resources of the distance learning platform will be located.
⏺ Reduce the risk of "imitation of education" by increasing the share of oral examinations and changing tasks to computer-based and creative ones.
⏺ The administration will adjust the schedule of classes to take into account blackouts.
⏺ Increase student motivation by strengthening the role of tutors.

The training will take place in a mixed format - in-person with elements of distance learning: theoretical training will be provided online, and practical training will be provided in-person, taking into account the security situation and available places in shelters.

The maximum volume of the state order approved by the Ministry of Education and Science for Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute for the next academic year is 5,136 places, which is 8 more than last year.

From September 1, 2024 to July 30, 2025, the university plans to conduct new examinations of educational programs. It is planned to accredit about 30 educational programs.

Starting January 1, 2024, formula funding for higher education institutions will be restored. The distribution of state budget expenditures between higher education institutions will be based on the indicators of their educational, scientific and international activities.

The university plans to increase the number of shelters on campus to 10,500 people at the beginning of the new academic year. This will allow more students to enroll in a blended learning program.

The administration is strengthening the energy stability of the university. Two more generators with a capacity of 60 and 120 kW are to be installed for the autumn-winter period, when power outages are likely to become more frequent.

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