At the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Development Strategies: From Idea to Implementation" (organized by the Ukrainian Library Association), which took place at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on April 9-13 in the new educational space "CLUST Space" of the H.I. Denysenko National Library, library professionals discussed topical issues of the industry management strategy.

The red thread that ran through all the speeches was the question of how Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine has affected all spheres of life in our country and, in particular, the work of libraries. According to the participants, it is time to develop a flexible strategy for the functioning of libraries in times of war. In the keynote speeches of Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Oleksiy Zhuchenko, Deputy Director General of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Library Association Oksana Brui, Acting Director General of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine, member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Library Association Oleh Serbin, Acting Director of the National Library named after H. I. Denysenko National Library of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Yevheniia Kulyk and others made theses on the formation of ideological guidelines for Ukrainian library networks and the growth of their role in ensuring the knowledge economy and strengthening civic participation in the defense and life of our country. Modern libraries also have serious potential in creating new opportunities for the development of each individual, building infrastructure for adult education, and fostering a cultural environment based on public policy. According to the conference speakers, "libraries in Ukraine in 2025 will be spaces for small groups that function in the field of libraries despite the war conditions and concentrators of talents for their implementation in the context of Ukraine's recovery."

The development of libraries as centers of civic activity through the implementation of educational and cultural programs, and the issue of post-war reconstruction of the cultural sphere were also discussed at the conference. At its online sessions, reports on interaction with the Lithuanian, Polish, and American library communities were also presented. Laura Juhnevicius (Lithuania), Jerzy Lesniewski, Anna Volodko (Poland), and Tetyana Granchak (USA) emphasized the need to support the creative initiatives of Ukrainian colleagues. In particular, Tetiana Granchak's report examined the role of library space as a medium for protecting and promoting national ideas and narratives in wartime.

Among the interesting events that took place during the conference was a roundtable discussion entitled "Change and Live". It was attended by library directors from Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ternopil, Luhansk, and other cities. They discussed ways of preserving the human resources in library staff and the support of their activities by the authorities. In addition, they collected books to replenish the collections of the Buymerska (Sumy region) village library, which was destroyed by Russian missiles in March 2024.

A charity lottery was also held at the conference. The proceeds were transferred to the bank accounts of the 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade, whose soldiers defended Mariupol and Azovstal and are now fighting in the hottest spots of the frontline. For example, the prize was a book by Valeria Subotina (Nava), Captivity, signed by Azov soldiers: Nava, Diplomat and Orest - it was awarded to Svitlana Barabash, the scientific secretary of the National Library. Other prizes included autographed books by nine other Ukrainian authors. Life goes on!

Viktor Zadvornov

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