Can career guidance work be boring?
Recently, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute held the first Open Day – KPIAbitFest – this academic year. For obvious reasons, it was Online Open Day: a video, to be precise a full video film about Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute for prospective applicants and their parents or supporters, was shot. The film shows an applicant girl, whose questions about the University current students answer. Telling about the University they give an opportunity to explore it and gain insight into what it is like to be a student at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The form of a video film allows us to take a slightly different approach from the usual, somewhat formalized schemes of conveying information to young audiences. This is very important, because a young person, who is almost adult, needs help to understand individual's ability, interest, aptitude and choose the profession that will not only feed in the future, but also be the shape of a young person’s heart. And, of course, orient in the variety of opportunities that the educational services market offers today. Thus, the role of practical career guidance is currently of great significance.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute provides a wide range of events to give the best of the vocational guidance program. The measures are aimed at assisting an individual to choose a career or profession, build competencies for future orientation and adaptation in the employment market, The main tasks are information support and professional adaptation. It is only through career events (Open Days, TehnoArtKPI, consultations etc.) that individuals get an appropriate idea of the future profession, make a conscious choice, acquire skills, build competencies, form aspirations and gain confidence. As part of the vocational guidance program senior students are given comprehensive support for building their professional future by immersing themselves in the world of innovations (taking excursions to faculties / institutes, involving young people in the scientific work of the JASU, etc.).