International scientific and practical conference, dedicated to art problems, took place in the Department of Philosophy for the 15th time. This year the conference was about importance of uniting art efforts. The result of such actions should be creative space - inspired community with creative energy. One of the examples of such a community is powerful art group, which unites Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute scientists and The St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo scientists (Bulgaria) on basis of Agreement about cooperation between our university second year in a row. In autumn term this academic year chairmen of department of foreign languages and professors Svilen Ctunchev and Vesela Belcheva visited us. They shared ideas on teaching foreign languages in the universities and cross-border territories and on educators and students cooperation in our country. During the academic year in the Bulgarian university there were some workshops held by professor Maryna Prepotenska, professor Iryna Fedorova, associate professor Iryna Pokulita, professor Mariana Kolotylo. Also, Faculty of Sociology and Law representative Boris Novikov, Faculty of Linguistics representative Olha Demydenko and a translator - master candidate of Faculty of Linguistics Olha Kucherenko helped to organise our Bulgarian friends internship.
On this year art conference one of the speakers was Vania Angelica, famous Bulgarian writer, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences member, PhD in philosophy. The guest shared her ideas and said that creative personality has a mission to moral self-develop of the world and finally recited own poems about Kyiv. Additionally, thanks to Vania Anhelova there were academic exchanges between university initiated and some "Erasmus+" programme papers signed. Professor Boris Novikov ceremonially gave the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute rector certificate to Vania Anhelova and Paper of Gratitude from the Faculty of Philosophy for her educational international activity (on the photo)
Bulgarian colleagues were interested in visiting Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute. They were also impressed by unique museum exhibits, which were told about by museum head Natalya Pysarevska, a person whose intellect and devotion to her job is obvious to everyone. A chief of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute Aviation and Space Systems History Department of Politechnic Museum Oleksandr Boltenko accompanied our guests to hall with model airplanes and space capsule. And guests were consumed by this space atmosphere with unique memories, hypotheses and even quarrels about space structure for a couple of hours. Obviously, museum activity is also a high measure of art and historical memory!
A separate gratitude must be given to Center of Culture and Arts of NTUU "KPI" head. Mykhailo Halushka for the opportunity for Bulgarian colleagues to visit the Veryovka chore concert. Amazing programme of this outstanding team kindeled the audience with inspiration and proved strength of Ukrainians' talents. Bulgarian songs by chore made our guests cry.
Finally associate professor of philosophy Iryna Pokulita held her own excursion through the capital, having showed the best sights of Kyiv