The annual general meeting of the Association of Users of the Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Telecommunication Network URAN was held on April 27, 2017 in Igor Sikorsky KPI. Association of national information and telecommunication network URAN (Ukrainian Research and Academic Network) was founded on June 20, 1997 in accordance with the joint resolution of National Academy Presedium of Sciences of Ukraine and the College of the Education Ministry of Ukraine "On the establishment of the Association of Telecommunication Network Users and the Center for European Integration "The chairman of the Association board headed the meeting, the first vice-rector of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky, academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Yu.I.Yakymenko. The results of the Association's activities were summed up and plans are scheduled for the nearest future. Particular attention is given to projects integrating European information space.

Taking into account that URAN network is a national network - representative of Ukraine in the pan-European scientific and educational network GÉANT - today a number of joint EU IT projects are being implemented.

When the main network service for universities had access to the Internet has already expired. The development of telecommunications in Ukraine now allows you to easily connect to the Internet in any city with an optical connection. Of course, the requirements for reliability and quality of Internet access in recent years have increased significantly and they are not always satisfying users. Special services require services for education and science, where information, processing, creation and distribution are the main resource. In today's environment, the reliability, continuity and quality of service provision, as well as the security of data and servers from cyber attacks, are becoming increasingly relevant.

Today, the largest universities and higher educational institutions are involved in the URAN infrastructure, which trains specialists from almost all branches of knowledge and which trains about two thirds (more than a million) of all students of the country, and supercomputer centers of KPI and KNU are connected by channels of data transmission 10 Gbit / s among themselves and with a number of supercomputers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine into a single grid cluster system.
Today among the current URAN services, access to the science and technology base of the Web Science, the project "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine," the DOI Ukraine Register, the DOI Digital Identification Service, which are provided for scientific publications and used, in particular, in the CrossRef Information System, has agreat importance to the educational and scientific community. , which includes a database that describes and identifies original publications and contains the address of the location of the publication on the Internet. The DOI enables automatic tracking of cross-references between publications, including those quoted.

The large-scale project of LHCONE's nuclear research network for processing Hadron Collider data in CERN is being implemented, URAN provides services for the transmission of Internet large packets (9000 Kb) with allowable losses of 10-7, which is several orders of magnitude smaller than that of conventional Internet- channels.

We have further developed service with the Federation of Electronic Accreditation Certificates for Science and Education PAYANO on the basis of the eduGAIN service provided by GÉANT. The main purpose of PAYANO is to facilitate access to distributed electronic resources to Federation members. The PEANO Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure allows a user from the Federation-organization to receive services using only an account in their institution and switch from one information system to another without re-authentication: it is enough for the user to enter a login / password only once for one of the systems - and he will have access to everyone else.

The consortium e-VERUM, which was created by the URAN Association together with NGO "ELBUUKUR", the National Library of Ukraine named after them, continues to work fruitfully. Vernadsky and the Scientific Library named after them. Maksymovych KNU them. Taras Shevchenko. Its main goal is to improve the provision of electronic information resources of university and research institutions of Ukraine, to increase the productivity and efficiency of scientists, to promote the number of publications in leading scientific publications, and to improve the indicators of Ukrainian science in international rankings.

The largest project currently underwayed by the e-VERUM consortium is the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Premier Subsidized Subscription. Access to bibliographic data of scientific articles on authoritative periodicals, books and materials of scientific conferences, indicating the actual citation of these materials, gives the opportunity for users to immediately obtain information on the work relevance and its impact on the scientific community.

Last year, the eduroam service was deployed; it allows users of science and education institutions to receive worldwide Internet access through any Wi-Fi network connected to eduroam using their usual login / password in their home-based installation. This means that all institutions connected to eduroam mutually trust each other: if user has an existing account in one of the institutions, he will be allowed to access the network at all other institutions.

The user receives Internet access by simply activating his / her mobile device (laptop, tablet, smartphone) with a Wi-Fi adapter, which will automatically connect to eduroam, authenticate and authorize network access. Hot spots of eduroam can be found all over the world: their total number reaches almost 20 thousand, including in Europe - 15 thousand. The eduroam service is provided in each country by the national science and education network, which has URAN in Ukraine.
In the EU program, along with the scientific and educational networks of Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, URAN participates in the Five-Year Partnership Connect (EaPConnect) project aimed at developing the electronic infrastructure in these countries.

The URAN project is a promising project for online access to electronic scientific periodicals EL-journals, which is associated with the attraction of funds from the EaPconnect program of the European Union, members of the URAN Association, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ukraine National Academy of Sciences.
For comprehensive information about URAN, please visit:

V. Galagan, Executive Director of URAN Association

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