About Statute about national establishment (establishment) Ukraine ( Additionally see Decree of President N 304/96 from 29.04.96 )
( With the changes brought in according to Decrees ofPresident N 70/99 from 27.01.99, N 109/2000 from 28.01.2000, N 943/2000 from 01.08.2000, N 290/2004 ( 290/2004 ) from 05.03.2004, N 1334/2004 ( 1334/2004 ) from 02.11.2004 )

In order to implement of single public policy in relation to forming systems of state establishments (institution) of humanitarian sphere decision of terms and order of grant to them of status national decree establishment (institution) of Ukraine :

1. To confirm Statute about Ukraine  national establishment (institution)  (is added).

2. The executive bodies not to pass to envisaged after by national establishments (by establishments) of Ukraine property that is in to the public domain, any organs, enterprises, to establishments to organizations. (Additionally see Decree of President N304/96 from 29.04.96) (The article 2 is with the changes brought in according to Decree President N 70/99 from 27.01.99 )

3. To recommend the organs of local self-government not to withdraw lands for state and public necessities from earth  given in the use to Ukraine national establishments (institution). (The article 3 is with the changes brought in according to Decree of President

N 70/99 from 27.01.99 )

4.  the Ukraine cabinet of Ministers to take measures for establishments (institutions) who illegally entered (injected) in the name of concepts "national" in determining their status.

President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma

 Kyiv, June 16, 1995

N 451/95

By the decree of President of Ukraine
from June, 16, 1995 N of a 451/95

STATUTE about national establishment (institutions) of Ukraine

1. This Statute determines terms and order of grant state to establishment (to institutions) of Ukraine of humanitarian sphere of status national.

2. Status national gets to establishment (institutions) of Ukraine what attained the greatest indexes in the activity in relation to use of intellectual potential of nation, realization of idea national revival and development of Ukraine, input official language and conducts among the branch group ofestablishments (institutions) humanitarian sphere.

Status of national establishment (institutions) of Ukraine can be it is given to one or a few establishments (institutions) depending on their amounts in a corresponding group, but no more than three. (Indention second to the point 2 in the release of Decree of President N109/2000 from 28.01.2000 )

3. By grounds for a grant to establishment (institutions) of Ukraine of national status:

  • national and international confession of results of activity to establishment (institutions);
  • development and practical realization major them government programs in the field of humanitarian;
  • a presence is in establishment (institutions) of confessed on national or world level of specialists and them authorial schools or specialists on by the high level of professional qualification and large experience practical work, that provide ponderable results in activity to establishment, and also presence of modern material and technical base;
  • prospect of his further development.

Founding for the grant of status national to establishments (to establishments) cultures, the theatrical operate in that, musical choreographic creative collectives, there is also a presence in such to the collective of status academic. (Point 3 it is complemented by an indention concordantly with Decree of President N 1334/2004 ( 1334/2004 ) from 02.11.2004    

4. Status of national establishment (institutions) of Ukraine is given

by the decree of President of Ukraine.

5. A solicitor is about a grant to establishment (institutions) of status

National violated by a ministry, other central organ executive power, there is establishment (institutions) in the submission of that and acceded to the interested public organ.

The project of decree through this question gives Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from necessary grounds and calculations. ( Point 5 with changes

brought in according to Decree of President N 70/99 from 27.01.99 )

6. Establishment (institutions) can be confined to status of national a decree President of Ukraine in case of establishment (institutions) loses the performance indicators envisaged in a point 3 this Statute.

7. Presentation is in relation to privation of establishment (institutions) of status national brought in by a ministry, other central organ executive power, there is establishment (institutions) in the submission of that it is, and accedes to the interested public organ. ( An indention is first to the point 7 with the changes brought in according to Decree President N 70/99 from 27.01.99)

The project of decree gives Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through this question with necessary justification

8. Application of concept "national" is in the name of establishment (institution) that status the national was not given in to the set order, shut out.

9. National establishment (institution) of Ukraine carries out it activity is in accordance with Constitution ( 888-09 ) and laws Ukraine, other acts of legislation of Ukraine and own charter.

10. For providing of functioning of national establishment (institution) Ukraine and realization of control after his activity a review broker's is created. Personal composition approved by the Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers.

11. Financing of activity of national establishment (institutions) Ukraine conducted after separate norms that sets Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine.

12. National establishment (institutions) of Ukraine has a right in limits to the wage-fund due to the money abstracted from State budget of Ukraine, and personal funds to set increase post salaries, grants and other encouraging payments in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

13. A grant to establishment (institutions) of status national does not can to be founding for stopping of labor relationships with his leader but by workers.

(An intention is second to the point 13 it is eliminated on the basis of Decree

President N 943/2000 from 01.08.2000 )

14. National establishment (institutions) of Ukraine is legal by a person, has accounts in establishments of banks of Ukraine, printing from by the image of National Emblem of Ukraine and name, it can to have the trademark registered in the set order

( An intention is first to the point 14 in the release of Decree of President N 70/99 from 27.01.99 )

Typical standards and descriptions of printing, form and signboard national establishment (institutions) of Ukraine become firmly established Ukraine Cabinet Ministers. ( Point 14 it is complemented by an indention second in accordance with Presidential Decree N 290/2004 ( 290/2004 ) from 05.03.2004)

Status of national establishment (institutions) of Ukraine registers oneself by a corresponding ministry, other central organ of executive power. ( An indention is second to the point 14 with the changes brought in accordance with Presidential Decree N 70/99 from 27.01.99 )

Head of Administration

Of Ukraine President

D. Tabachnyk