On November 7 2016 was regular meeting of the Academic Board. On it beginning rector M. Zgurovsky warmly welcomed anniversaries, head of trade union of employees Associate Professor V.I.Molchanova, head of Department of machinery and poligraphy production units , docent Yu.O.Shostachuka, dean of engineering Physics faculty member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, , professor P.I.Lobodu.After that were diplomas awarding and gratitude winners of the competition for the best academic group.
By results of 2015/2016 academic year, the winners are the following groups. For technical directions: 1st course - DV-51 (FEL); 2nd year - OZ-42 (IES); 3rd year - TYA-33 (TEF); 4th year - DK-61C (FEL). Arts stream: 1st course - ST-51 (PPI); 2nd Course - CS-41 (FMM) 3rd year - UM-31 (FMM) 4th year - LF-21 (FL).The first item on the agenda was the approval of the concept of innovation model under-Masters preparation at the university and the Regulation on the master.
First reporter was rector Yu.I.Yakymenko. He described the main types of master's theses, requirements for supervisors and the basic elements providing innovative structure Master training.. It was proposed to adopt the concept of innovative models of sub-Masters preparation, including requirements for the themes and content of master's theses, to the graduating department and supervisors, the training and competitors.The second issue was the scientific training through the doctorate. Report was by pro-rector M.Yu.Ilchenko.
Michael Yuhimovich illustrated the effectiveness of training doctorate in 2012 - 2016. He said that over the five years of doctoral issue was 39 students. Issue doctorate in 2016 amounted to 5 persons. It was also announced the expansion of the list of specialties of doctoral studies.Also competition issues and current affairs were discussed.