Foreign economic activity of KPI: directions and opportunities

At the end of November "KPI" signed an agreement with the Institute of Science and Technology in Yyenahoa (Federal Republic of Nigeria). It's not just cooperation agreement: it provides that in the Nigerian educational institution will be established preparatory department KPI. Event uncommon for our university - it is one of the steps towards the establishment of "KPI" on the international education market and meets the general trend of strengthening commercial presence of leading universities outside their countries.

Work on organization and assistance to functioning of similar joint structures - only one of activities of the international cooperation of department of foreign economic activity created this year in department.

"Among the challenges facing the new department - organizational, analytical, legal and other support foreign economic activities of the university - says the vice-rector for International Relations, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Serhii Sydorenko. - It is, above all, coordination and assistance institutions, faculties and departments KPI in establishing, strengthening and supporting their foreign trade. This work is extremely important, not only in financial terms but also because the results of foreign economic activity significantly affect the ratings of both institutions, faculties, departments, and the ratings "KPI" - both international and national. That, in turn, is the key to further growth of authority of the university, and therefore - and opportunities for participation KPI in international projects, increasing the number of reliable partners, growing interest in teaching us by potential applicants, not only Ukrainian. That is, working on "brand KPI" - a crucial factor in determining competitiveness on world markets university education, scientific and technical services.

In more detail the head of department of foreign economic activity Andrii Shisholin told about adjustment of this work of edition of "KP".

- Dear colleagues, I suggest to look at university as on the regular entity which carries out the work according to laws of the market. The main function of university, undoubtedly, provision of educational services is. Depending on demand level, they can be implemented both in Ukraine, and beyond its limits. In a modern situation of an orientation of university to an autonomy and financial independence, the higher education institution shall expand constantly own national borders, including in a question of sources of cash receipts. And here foreign economic activity as one of the most important directions of modern development of university comes to the rescue. Its internal content constitutes set of the actions of scientific and educational activities oriented to the world market, taking into account forms and methods of work in the foreign markets, and also the available tendencies.

The coordination of this area of activity provides our university department. As a structural unit of the organization of foreign economic activity of any enterprise, the department's work has to fulfill a number of important functions to support the efficient operation of the university from monitoring key trends in international education markets for the organization of long-term relations with foreign partners.

- Let's begin from the very beginning. What does foreign economic activity of university include?

In general, if to consider the directions of foreign economic activity at university, among them it is necessary to call, first of all, the following: provision of services in education, participation in the international projects and programs, attraction of foreign investments, creation of joint international structures, a transfer of educational services of technologies, support of projects from the charitable and humanitarian assistance, search of projects of the international technical assistance, information and analytical providing and others.

Such impressive list of activities requires a certain improvement. For this purpose we allocate three of its the main components.

- Well, and what place is taken by educational process? How it can be connected with foreign economic activity?

- Learning how the main function of the university should become important, in fact, the most important component of its foreign trade. Thus we can turn it on and "the most profitable ridge." All aspects of educational services for a fee for foreigners is clearly defined by law - is the education and training of students, graduate students, doctoral students; the second higher education; organization of training courses (daytime and distance); preparing young people for admission to universities and to external evaluation; organization and preparation for defense of dissertations for the degree of PhD or PhD and direct conduct protection.

In addition, the university may conduct scientific support of the citizens of other states that have the highest under-qualified themselves, and their training; organize and conduct lectures for them and consultations; publish and sell textbooks, scientific, methodical, scientific and technical publications and more. You can see that in this sphere the potential is very large university, it should only learn to translate them into reality.

- It is only the first component of foreign economic activity of university. And as for others?

- Except educational, there is still the second - derivative of it, however from it at least perspective - scientific. The big generalizing component covers the third all other types of activity, somehow information and analytical work, participation in projects on the international technical assistance and so forth.

Unfortunately, in many directions of foreign economic activity in KPI for the present nobody works though conditions for this purpose are: we both laboratory base, and own printing capacities, and the main thing, highly qualified specialists of whom the university so is famous and proud. Moreover, opportunities in the sphere of provision of educational services to foreign citizens aren't used fully even. Well, for example, at faculties almost there are no noticeable shifts in expansion of a range of the international educational programs, courses of lectures which are taught in English. Respectively, the number of the foreign citizens who are trained in "KPI" doesn't grow therefore also financial receipts from this type of foreign economic activity really don't increase that in present conditions would be for us the extremely desirable.

- Thus, at university can be participants of foreign economic activity... And, actually, who exactly?

- At the unit level - is, of course, departments, faculties, institutes, centers, other structural units of the University dealing with the issues of training, science and innovation, educational work, future development, and international cooperation. But not only they - formal structures. It all starts with the person with creative initiative of the individual employee. This process can participate and scientific, pedagogical and teaching staff, applicants of higher education and others who study at NTUU "KPI" practitioners who are involved in the educational process in educational and professional programs, and other employees of the university . But to coordinate this work and to help those who engaged in it, instructed our department.

- How exactly to help?

- First of all, it's legal, informational, methodological and organizational assistance. For example, in legal support of specific projects, dealing with organizational issues with the university creating joint educational and scientific structures for the national law of their location, in the transfer of networks. And we are able to provide services on marketing. The Department began to publish a newsletter on foreign activities to deans of faculties, directors of institutes and their deputies, heads of departments and heads of other departments who work or intend to start working in the field of foreign trade. His first edition was published in November.

I would say that the activity of the department is very diverse, and continues to improve, as well as improved training and knowledge of its employees. We want to learn and develop further, stepping up with global trends and challenges. This job requires. Moreover, working closely with colleagues in the face of faculty of management and marketing also can not affect positively. Today we cooperate in the study of regional education market, international experience educational sphere and adapted to national realities.

- Despite of new opportunities which could open for our faculties and institutes cooperation with foreign partners, achievements in this sphere not really big. Why so?

- In fact, the major problem is that many staff departments still do not see real mechanism of international activities that can help them solve problems subdivisions. However, this psychological barrier is overcome gradually. Not as fast as we would like, but the changes already.

- Then, probably, and leaders in this process already appear?

- Of course, especially when the first attempts bring the wished success. Among those who already works, say, on agreements with university in the city of Huizhou (Republic of China) - FIOT, FBT, HTF, FEL. In a complex develop foreign economic activity the ZF and MMI,FAX. One more example - the beginning of training of group of listeners of the United Arab Emirates in FTI. I will notice that for them teachers of institute give lectures and a practical training in English. A striking example mutually advantageous foreign economic activity is adjustment of partner communications between MMI and world-wide Boeing corporation - a world leader of innovative highly intellectual production of aerospace equipment. The purpose of this cooperation is implementation of ideas target the higher technical education, oriented to innovations and requirements of the global markets, target preparation of engineering personnel based on NTUU "KPI" by orders of Boeing corporation with use of its training programs. It is possible to hope that it is only first signs. Especially as according to the Action plan on accomplishment of strategy of development of the international activities of NTUU "KPI" for 2012-2020. One of leading roles it is allocated for foreign economic activity. This document provided entering of the international master educational programs of training of specialists, the international courses of lectures in English; creation of joint Ukrainian-foreign faculties, chairs, programs "double diploma", joint Ukrainian-foreign centers and laboratories; ensuring growth of the contingent of foreign citizens (students, graduate students, doctoral candidates), etc. All this shall provide in the long term growth of a contribution of foreign economic activity "to university a purse" at the level of 8-10% (in comparison with 4% which we have today).

- Well and finally, how that who was interested by this information to contact you?

- Very easy. Room №171-1, building №1. Phone 406-82-67, e-mail: We can be and should be friends! Because only together we can provide a new level of development of the university.

Communicate D.Stefanovych

The signature to a photo: The president of "Boeing International" M. Allen and the rector of NTUU "KPI" M.Zghurovskyi get acquainted with the organization of educational process in specialized audiences of MMI which are created with participation of "Boeing corporation", September, 2015