On March 21, 1768 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born - the famous mathematician and physicist , known for his work on the theory of heat distribution , as well as those who made mathematical physics series and integrals, which were later named after him. Series and Fourier integrals now the most common tool for analyzing signals by decomposition them for harmonic sinusoidal oscillation. Methods which were launched by Fourier used not only in pure mathematics , but also in electrical and radio astronomy. One of the areas where these methods have a great benefit is analysis of biomedical signals.

On the anniversary of the birth of J.Fourier, on March 21, 2014, members of the Scientific Group on Biomedical electronics and signal analysis, that works at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics ( FEL ), decided to conduct in his honor scientific Seminar. Organizational support for seminar was given by Ukrainian department of the Union of Engineers in the field of medicine and biology , which last year acting in Ukrainian section of the International Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IEEE Ukraine Section Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Chapter).

During the seminar, students and postgraduates made ​​presentations about their research from different areas of analysis biomedical signals:

  1.  Analysis of image of magnetic resonance imaging for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (postgraduate of 1st year I. Krasheniy );
  2. Methods and implanted predicting systems of epileptic seizure based on analysis of electroencephalograms (postgraduate of 1st year Panichev O. ) and by analyzing the heart rate variability (student 4th year BA Storozhuk );
  3. Estimation of the relationship of brain and heart activity (graduate student of 2nd year M. Zhukov );
  4. Analysis of the cards of distribution current density in heart (master 2nd year EM Udovychenko );
  5. Analysis and modeling of signal saturation of arterial blood with oxygen and methods to reduce false anxieties during mechanical ventilation (graduate student of 3rd year A. Bodilovskyy ).

Also, an assistant professor of Department. FBME A. Popov made a brief report on the new direction of scientific groups - methods for determining muscle synergies and gait analysis in terms of human adaptation.

Participants of the seminar discussed the report and decided to hold it every year. In particular , after four years planned celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Fourier series, and this event would be good to involve the general public of students of KPI who use their research results obtained by Fourier.

A. Popov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department. FBME FEL

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