🎥 International Forum “Artificial Intelligence: Global Dialogue” in KPI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, as it is often abbreviated, is probably the fastest growing scientific and technological field in comparison to other IT industries and breakthrough areas of innovation. The scope of its application is constantly growing: AI is already serving people in agriculture and industry, medicine and transport, marketing and sociology, etc. And this range is expanding almost every month. For our country, its potential for use in the defence sector is particularly important today. 

Sophia Drozd. Model risks and study consequences, predict the future

The scientific space of Kyiv Polytechnic is expanding its horizons: Sophia Drozd, a master's student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis at the School of FTI, working under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Professor Natalia Kussul, successfully presented Kyi

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