G.S. Pysarenko (12/11/1910, farm Skrilnik, Kobelyaky district, Poltava province - 01.09.2001, Kyiv) was a scientist-engineer, founder of the scientific school of mechanical vibrations, strength of materials and structural elements under extreme operating conditions. He was the academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1964), Honored Scientist of the USSR (1973), winner of the State Prize of the USSR (1969, 1980) and the USSR (1982). He was graduate student, teacher, Head of the Department of Strength of Materials KPI from 1937 to 1984.

He began his career at age 17, working as a mechanic in Poltava, and then a mechanic Nizhny Novgorod automobile plant. In 1936 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Gorky Shipbuilding Industrial Institute and worked as a designer at the factory "Krasnoe Sormovo". A year later he was admitted to the graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and worked part-time at the Institute for structural mechanics (now - Institute of Mechanics named after S.P. Tymoshenko, NAS of Ukraine). Thus his fruitful scientific and scientific-organizational activity in the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine begun.

PhD thesis G.S. Pysarenko defended in February 1941. During the Second World War he worked on the problem of increasing the strength of aircraft engines - first at the Ufa Engine Plant, and then - at the Central Institute of Aviation Motors. Since 1944, he as a scientific secretary of the Institute of structural mechanics laboratories engaged in restoration work agencies. At the same time he taught at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and continued fundamental studies of nonlinear mechanical systems taking into account the energy dissipation in the material, the results of which became the basis of his successfully defended doctoral thesis in 1948, and then was awarded the prize of M.M.Krylov Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

In 1950 Pysarenko began working at the Institute of cermet and special alloys (now the Institute of Problems of Materials Science). He heads the department here, then - the sector, and later he became deputy director for scientific work. Since then, the entire scientific career of Georgy Stepanovych devoted to the formation of a new direction in mechanics - the study of the strength of materials and structural elements under extreme conditions. In 1957 the scientist was elected a corresponding member, and in 1964 - a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 1966 at the initiative of Georgy Stepanovych, the Institute of Strength Problems, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR was created. He was more than twenty years the director of this institution, and in 1988 became its honorary director. Under his leadership the urgent problems that reflect the needs of nuclear power, gas turbine, aircraft, space rocketry and other major branches of engineering were found solutions.

Exceptional attention Pysarenko gave the education of young scientists and highly skilled engineers. He prepared 45 doctors and 180 candidates of science, more than three decades headed the Department of Strength of Materials Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, was chairman of the Dissertation Council at the Institute for Problems of Strength of the NAS of Ukraine.

In 1969 Georgy Pysarenko founded an international scientific and technical journal "Problems of Strength," which called «Strength of Materials» published in the USA. He is the author of over 800 scientific publications, including 50 monographs, textbooks and reference books, many of them translated into foreign languages.

A lot of effort and energy Georgy Stepanovych gave to the organizational work in the NAS. He was the chief scientific secretary, vice-president, a member, and more recently - advisor to the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Name Georgy Pysarenko is well known to the national and international scientific community. He was a member of the International Academy of Astronautics, the American Society for Testing and Materials, Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the Presidium of the National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the chief editor of the magazine "Problems of Strength" and a member of the editorial boards of many scientific journals. Georgy Pysarenko died in Kyiv January 9, 2001.

Scientific achievements are highly appreciated by the state and the scientific community. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, Red Banner of Labor, the October Revolution, "Merit» II degree, numerous medals; awarded the highest rank - State Prize of Ukraine (1969 and 1980) and the USSR (1982), Honored Scientist of Ukraine (1973), Gold Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technical Society of Poland; Honorary Soros Professor.

Source: Journal of the NAS of Ukraine. - 2001