
The policy of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on interaction with the local community to improve the health and welfare system, including programmes for displaced persons or refugees, is to support social responsibility and access to health and social services for all, including displaced persons or refugees.

The University promotes inclusiveness, collaborates with the local and international organisations and government agencies to improve the well-being of the community, conducts health education programmes, and encourages student and staff participation in volunteer initiatives.

The policy aims to improve the quality of life of the community through access to health and social services, especially for vulnerable groups such as displaced persons or refugees. The policy promotes awareness of health and well-being issues, partnerships with the local organisations, and opportunities for volunteering and practical assistance.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute plays an active role in the advancement of new therapies, rehabilitation, and innovative solutions with the aim of enhancing health and social services. Additionally, it channels its educational, scientific, and social initiatives towards the benefit of vulnerable groups within society.

The policy objectives are to engage with the local community to improve health and well-being, including programmes for displaced or refugee populations:

1. Ensuring access to quality health and social services for all members of the local community, including displaced persons and refugees, regardless of their status or social position.

2. Supporting the integration of displaced persons and refugees into the local community by creating conditions for their social inclusion, improving their psychosocial condition, and providing assistance.

3. Raising the awareness and competence of university staff and students in issues related to the needs of the local community, in particular in the field of health and social support.

4. Developing and maintaining partnerships with the local and international organisations for the joint implementation of projects and programmes aimed at improving the welfare of the community and helping vulnerable groups.

5. Promoting volunteering and community activities among university students and staff to provide practical experience and strengthen social responsibility.

6. Using the resources and expertise of university to address pressing health and social care issues in the local community, with particular attention to supporting vulnerable groups such as displaced persons or refugees.

These tasks are aimed at ensuring access to quality health and social services for all, including displaced persons or refugees, as well as their integration and improvement of their psychosocial state.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute strives to develop partnerships with the local and international organisations and government institutions to implement joint projects aimed at helping vulnerable groups, using its resources and knowledge to address pressing health and social support issues.

Key policy principles:

1. Inclusiveness and equity. Ensuring equal access to health and social services for all members of the community, regardless of their social or economic status, with particular attention to the needs of displaced persons and refugees.

2. Partnership and collaboration. Developing and maintaining partnerships with the local and international organisations and government agencies to effectively implement programmes and initiatives to prevent and improve the health and well-being of all members of community.

3. Adaptability and flexibility. The ability to respond quickly to the changing needs of the local community and to adapt programmes to ensure maximum effectiveness in addressing health and social care issues.

4. Focus on community needs. Using community needs analysis assessment approaches to develop and implement initiatives that respond to challenges and needs, including those of displaced persons and refugees.

5. Community participation and involvement. Active involvement of community members in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programmes that affect the health and well-being of community members and promote a sense of shared responsibility and ownership.

6. Education and awareness raising. Conducting educational events and training for higher education students, staff and community members focusing on the health, well-being, and integration of displaced persons or refugees to raise awareness and understanding.

7. Ethics and respect for human dignity. Ensuring ethical standards are upheld in all interactions with community member, respecting their dignity, cultural identity, and human rights.

8. Sustainability and long-term impact. Development programmes and initiatives that have a lasting impact to protect and improve the health and well-being of community, and that support development and inclusion.

9. Innovativeness and technological advancement. Development and implementation of innovative approaches and technologies to address the local community problems and sustainable development.

These principles aim to ensure equal access to services for all, including displaced persons or refugees, through cooperation with the local and international organisations and government institutions. The programme also focuses on the real needs of the community, with an emphasis on flexibility, rapid adaptation, and the involvement of the community, students, and staff in the planning and implementation of initiatives.

Commitments of the University:

1. Health care. Promoting mental health by organising counselling and psychological support programs for community members, with a particular focus on those who have suffered traumatic events, including displaced persons or refugees.

2. Social support and integration. The university assumes responsibility for supporting social programs such as legal aid, housing assistance, language courses and adaptation programs for displaced persons or refugees. The university also promotes the social and cultural integration of displaced persons or refugees into the local community through special events and programs.

3. Support for human rights and ethical standards. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is committed to adhering to high ethical standards in all its initiatives, ensuring respect for the rights and dignity of all members of the community, including vulnerable groups.

Final provisions

The effectiveness of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute's policy of interaction with the local community to improve health and welfare, including programs for displaced persons or refugees, depends on the active collaboration of all parties involved, regular monitoring of the situation and rapid response to the needs of higher education students, employees, and displaced persons or refugees.

The undisputable conditions for the implementation of the policy are reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures by the university, based on feedback from students, staff, displaced persons or refugees, statistical data, and other relevant indicators.

The management, relevant departments and structural units of the University are responsible for the implementation of this policy.

In order to improve and optimise the policy, it will be regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in the socio-economic environment and the needs of students, staff and displaced persons or refugees.

The functioning of the policy will be ensured through its availability on the official website of the University and through the awareness of all students, staff and displaced persons or refugees.