Address: Main Building, room. 265
Tel. 456-44-25, 204-99-39

Trade union is a voluntary non-profit public organization uniting people, tied by common interests according to their professional (labour) activity (training). The primary trade union organization is a voluntary association of union members, who tend to work in one company, institution, organization, regardless of property category and type of entity, or for physical entity who uses wage labour or self-employs themselves independently or study in one institution.

The primary trade union organization is created in institutions, organizations, enterprises; in school in presence at least 3 members of trade union or 3 workers who wish to form a trade union organization.  The primary trade union organization informs the appropriate regional office of Justice and employer about their affiliation with trade unions. The primary trade union organization is guided in its activities by the current legislation, the requirements of the Statute of the Trade Union, policy documents and decisions of union officials. The supreme body of the primary trade union organization is meeting (conference) of union members. Trade union meeting (conference) is held as necessary, but at least twice a year, in terms defined by the trade union or supreme body of the trade union.

News, new incomings, information about the presidium of trade union, trade union membership, employees of trade union, the head of trade union, organizational structure, audit commission as well as Codes, the laws of Ukraine, the documents of the union, the documents of the "KPI" and other documents; comprehensive information about the mechanism of obtaining permits for health resort treatment that are purchased at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) on Temporary Disability; the schedule of classes at the Centre of SIF and price list of paid services are posted on the website of the trade union of the NTUU "KPI.

The structure of trade union of the NTUU"KPI":

  • Organizational and mass commission
  • Social and legal protection commission
  • Public control commission
  • Social insurance and health improvement commission
  • Labour safety commission
  • Dwelling and everyday life commission
  • Commission on work with veterans and pension issues
  • Commission on work with children
  • Cultural and mass commission
  • Sport and mass commission
  • Commission on informational support and international cooperation