Considerable attention was paid to independent work of students, developing their skills of active mastery of knowledge, as well as determining the optimal ratio between mandatory classroom and independent work.

So, at the Faculty of Management Systems correspondence between planned and actual expenditure of time was constantly tested experimentally, with random surveys and special timekeeping. The total amount of time given to students for all types of work, was 11 hours per day, or 66 hours per week including 6 h/ day was given to the audience lessons (36 hrs. Per week), 5 - an independent and extracurricular work. On the basis of work plans methodical commissions developed schedules of independent work of students per semester, which included a list of all disciplines with hours of the curriculum and the time spent on independent work, and also defines the weekly checks. These graphics were given to all groups. In addition, since 1972 students IV-VI courses in order to concentrate the time spent on independent work, and its effectiveness were given for independent work one day, free of mandatory training.

To test the students' knowledge and control over their independent work there were used traditional forms of control as colloquia, control and settlement and graphic works, homework, surveys, preparation of extracurricular reading, testing, lecture notes, programmable control, which has received considerable attention because it gave to exercise control of the mass in a short time. Thus, the Department of General Electrical acquired control of the machine, was polling card options for machine control on general electrical engineering, created the office of programmed control. In 1975 to share experiences it was held Institute seminar on the use of programmed control in the learning process.

Great importance in the development of the skills of creative independence of students had the organization of scientific research. In 1975 such studies have been conducted on the total amount of 700 thousand rubbles [10. 192; 11, p. 70]. It was occurred the integration of research students in the learning process and its introduction into the curricula of all specialties. Development of a program of theoretical course "Basic scientific research" and its assimilation contributed the maximum inclusion of research students in the program in various disciplines. It was allocated time in Special practical where individual tasks performed research character that stands out for laboratory facilities. In 1975 scientific work of almost 14 thousand students was led by 1217 faculty members, graduate students and employees of KPI. In addition, 3507 students were working in 127 student scientific groups. It was widely practiced real course and diploma design based on a versatile accounting requests of industrial enterprises and research institutions. Effectively this work was carried out at the Department of Cybernetics, industrial electronics, mechanical engineering, in all departments of the Faculty of Radio Engineering.

Part of the graduation project were implemented in production. So, at the Department of Technology of binders the student L. Vasiliev completed thesis "Study of the physicochemical properties of welded ceramic fluxes", the introduction of which the metal factory Nizhnedneprovskiy gave economic benefit in the amount of 20 thousand rubbles per year. At the Department of electrification of mining enterprises group of students in the performance of educational problems created unit that controlled the performance of the automatic transmission 1, the economic effect of the introduction of which the excavator cyclic operation was 22 thousand rubbles in one machine. Thesis project carried out by students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering E.A. Danko "Design development block low frequency marker receiver" and use it at the Kiev factory "radioizme-Vatel" gave the economic effect of 160 thousand rubbles.

In the system of educational work the important place was taken by the organization of practical training of students as an important stage of training. In 1970-71, 7692 students passed practice II-V courses, 1974-75 almost 10 thousand were supervised practice by qualified personnel, including 35 professors, 400 associate professors and senior lecturers.

An important form of activity of KPI collective was the training of researchers, including through graduate school. If in 1971 the graduate school (full-time and part-time) was joined by 121 people, 150 in 1975, during the five years 686 people passed it. Postgraduate training was carried out by 68 departments on 60 specialties; scientific management was carried out by leading scientists. Postgraduate study mainly corresponded to the profiles, which provides training institute, so part of graduate students successfully complete their studies, remained in the departments of staff research units. Subjects of dissertations was targeted and highly effective, as evidenced by the 355 copyright certificates received graduate. The best results in the preparation of graduate students were reached by the Faculty of Automation and electrical instrument and Engineering Physics.

There were the KPI more than 400 people who want to get a degree from the staff and workers of industrial enterprises. Through scientific and counseling centers that existed at the factory "Arsenal", automatic machines of Gorky, of Petrovsky, they provide assistance and advice in preparing for candidate examinations, carrying out experimental research.

During the 1971-1975 on the mentioned companies there were prepared and made candidates at least more than 500 people, defended their dissertations 128 people, doctoral - 35 people. Work on a doctoral thesis carried out at the faculties of electronics, electrical instrument and Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics, and others. Teachers who received their doctorates, were promoted to senior positions, strengthened the teaching staff of the Institute. Doctors of Science S.I. Cherkasova, Yu.Yu. Lukacs, N.V. Belous, A.V. Bilotsky, S. Doroshenko, N. Popovich, A.M. Alabovsky became the heads of the departments,- Yu . M. Tuz, V.A. Ostafyev, M. G. Popovich, A.G. Yurchenko –deans, pro-rector of the Institute - MS Ilchenko – vice-rector of the Institute.. Plans to improve the skills of the teaching staff, which covered SK, internships and other forms of professional development, in general, successfully carried out.

The growing demands of educational work led to the selection in the learning process independent of the educational direction. Its structure is vertically included: vice-rector of the Institute and vice-deans for educational work and is responsible for the direction of the departments; the horizontal level of the educational direction connected with various community organizations, in general, this work was carried out with the help of curators (mentors) groups.

In educational work there were also involved students who not only contributed to strengthening the process of education, but also instilling a sense of social activity. In November 1973 the faculty of social professions in order to help students acquire knowledge and skills of organizing sports and cultural activities. Each student has the opportunity now to get another profession, to prepare for the activity in the workforce. At the end of 1975 In 12 offices FSP there were prepared students from 36 public professions. Especially notable was the "School of the young lecturer" whose cells existed in all faculties KPI. Students SYL acquired lecturing and practical skills; delivered lectures and conversations in student groups on patronage enterprises and schools. Classes are conducted on the FSP special programs once a week. The number of students grew steadily. For example, the 1973-74 the Faculty of enrollment of about 1,000 people, 1975-76 1126, 1975 742 students received certificates of completion of FSP, SYL prepared propagandists 153 scientific and technical knowledge.

In the KPI it was acquired considerable experience in attracting students to socially useful work, of particular importance there are students’ construction teams. During this period, in the Institute annually a 50 -55 such teams were created. There about 30 000 students acquired a labor education. These teams over the years have mastered 80 mln. Rubles investment. Structures Kiev and the Kiev region, The Baikal-Amur Mainline, Tyumen, central zone of Russia, Magadan and Kustanai region - this is an incomplete list of locations of the SCT of the Institute.

One of the forms of labor activity of students and the formation of skills of production workers was the cooperation of a number of departments with similar company profile. In particular, mechanical-engineering faculty - the factory of automatic machines of Gorky; Chemical Engineering - SPA "Bolshevik"; Radio Engineering - SPA "Radiopribor" of Korolev; automation and electrical instrument - the factory of Lepse; Electronic Technology - SPA "Crystal" and others. The creative collaboration was supervised by staff, who was headed by the advanced production workers, nobles enterprises. Among them - SPA worker "Bolshevik" N.I. Marchenko, general director of "Radiopribor" of Korolev V.A. Zgurskiy, turner factory "Tochelektropribor" N.M. Polishchuk. Main responsibilities of students included the organization of student counseling centers for young workers, ready to join the KPI or studied there on the job; production teams - to improve productivity, accelerate the introduction of new technology, participation in innovation activity, increasing production skills [12, p. 80].

Much attention was paid to the institution of military-patriotic education of students and sports activities. In groups, courses and faculties KPI there were regularly organized the lectures on military-patriotic themes, meetings with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, visits to places of military glory. In 1975 more than 800 students spent trekking and hiking in the Korsun-Shevchenko, Leningrad, Sevastopol, Minsk, Khatyn. In the fortress of Brest, they have pledged to continue to work in the "Search", which has found dozens of names of students who died at the front. In high school sections there were worked sports club brings together more than 1,300 students.

Deepening teaching and research, expansion of university staff necessitated the growth of the material and technical base, the lag is felt. Thus, in early 70s per student accounted for 4 m2 of usable area at a norme of 11 m2. This resulted in conducting classes in three shifts, which adversely affects the effectiveness of teaching and research. There was not enough space for physical training, library locations, rooms for educational and cultural activities, dormitories (more than 1,800 students from other cities lived in private apartments).

According to the plan of capital construction in 1971 -1975 years KPI was allocated for all sources of funding 18400000 rub., Which is twice more than in the previous five years. More than 10 million rubles was obtained from line ministries and agencies [13, p. 94]. This made it possible to build and put into operation three educational and laboratory buildings with total area of 48 m2, 4 dormitories 3 thousand seats, dining room for 910 people, primarily sports camp on the shores of the Black Sea, a house on 78 apartments and other facilities and utilities.

Number of educational buildings in the KPI (basic institutions) increased from 23 in 1971 to 26 in 1975; Useful area they increased by 1.7 times, and educational space per full-time student was now almost 6 m2; seats in the dining rooms increased from 1715 to 2232. 80% of students who require housing were accommodated in the dormitories.

However, the expansion of the material and technical base did not provide the regulatory requirements of the educational process, a life of students and staff of the Institute. In 1975 the Government of the USSR decided on the approval of the technical expansion project KPI. The first phase of the complex consisted of educational and laboratory buildings for general technical and electrical departments, silicate technology, chemical engineering, welding Faculty of Science and Technology Library, a new dining room with 1000 seats, two multi-storey student accommodation, shopping and home center campus, educational building physical education and other objects. At the same time developed a master plan for a promising future development of the institution.

In the 70 years the KPI became a major research center for science and technology. Having considerable scientific potential, the institute solved problems of great economic importance.

Research work was carried out in ten problematic and industrial research laboratories [14, p. 39]. Already in 1971 there were fulfilled contractual works in the amount of 6.5 million rubles., Which is equal to the amount of work the three research institutes. In 1972 KPI received the status of a scientific institution of the first category with the spread of a common position on the research, design, design and technology organizations [15, p. 74]. This made it possible to increase the effectiveness of research, streamline the organizational structure of scientific departments of the university, to improve the quality of education and to provide effective assistance to the industry in advanced training and retraining an engineering and technical personnel. Note that the study of fundamental problems of science and technology researchers KPI carried out in close collaboration with scientific institutes of Cybernetics, Problems of Strength and Electric, leading academic institutions. It was promoted approved in June 1972 at the joint meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry Board of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Ukraine Decree "On measures to strengthen the creative communications agencies Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the Kiev Polytechnic Institute". During this period, research on state budgetary subjects performed in the KPI for the total amount of about 1 million rubles per year. This enabled the Institute to receive significant funds to strengthen its material and technical base and get free equipment from companies, technical documentation for the implementation of scientific research. 1972 KPI had close scientific relations with 200 industrial enterprises and research institutions [10, p. 190]. Special role relationships on the basis of economic agreements with enterprises in Kiev and Kiev region. The volume of work performed for them was more than 7 million rubles. Thus, for the factory "Arsenal" - 541.5 thousand rubles; SPA "Bolshevik" - 942.5; Research Institute of computers - 1361; Research Institute "Gidropribor" - 1141; plant "Stroydormash" - 237.2; mechanical plant - 207 thousand rubles. For 5 years, the total economic contracts topics doubled if in 1971 it was 6500000 rubles than in 1975 more than 13 million rubles. Significant progress achieved teams faculties of electronics, automation and electrical instrument, radio, where the volume of economic contracts subject to the same artist and part was the largest. [15, p. 5].

The significant contribution to the development team KPI scientific and technological progress, innovation, the introduction of scientific research into practice is shown by the inventor's certificates, received by teachers and members of the Institute, 80 of which were given in 1975 the economic effect on the amount of 5 million rubles. [14. 401.

On the basis of studies carried out by the staff KPI during five years, there were defensed 34 doctoral and 500 master's theses, 18 inventions patented abroad [6, p. 220].

Measures were taken to improve the organization of the conclusion and execution of agreements on creative collaboration as an effective means to accelerate the introduction of scientific research. In 1972 it was created the Council of the Commonwealth Institute with enterprises of Kiev and region, which included the heads of large enterprises and leading scientists [10, p. 190]. The Council took care of the development of new technology and advanced technology, the introduction of the production of completed research papers, training of engineers and technical workers, the continued support enterprises in addressing current technical issues. Agreement on creative collaboration enabled the steady two-way communication with the production. In addition to contractual research works, they included the implementation of the joint research on a voluntary basis. In 1975 only with companies of Kyiv KPI signed more than 30 cooperation agreements. So, for several years the department of machine tools was working together with Kiev factory machines and machines of Gorky exploring the rigidity of the automatic networking, the dynamics of the auxiliary drives and motion caliper multi-spindle automatic lathes produced by the plant. The latter was a pilot basis for operational testing and implementation of scientific research scientists. Department of Industrial Electronics has signed an agreement with the Kiev Research Institute of Radio Electronics on joint training of engineers in the specialty construction of computers. Research Institute undertook to create and provide space and equipment necessary educational and scientific laboratory. For a closer union of the educational process with science and industry, to improve the quality of training in the design of electronic computing equipment the joint creative groups were created.

Cooperation remained an important form of management development and industrial research institutes Kiev through graduate school. In June 1975 there were trained on the job 87 people. In some enterprises, the city acted scientific advice centers there were organized the preparatory candidates tests. Only in 1972-1974 years at such points at factory "Arsenal", "Red digger", machines and machine of Gorky there were enrolled 344 people. Skills development through graduate school productions contributed to scientific and technological progress in enterprises, creating new improved devices and systems, to improve the overall level of production. For example, the conversion of the plant "Tochelektropribor" one of the leading companies in the industry has contributed to highly qualified personnel, the presence of a collective group of PhDs trained in "mainly in the departments KPI [5, p. 6].

An important place in the development of the university community and the production belonged to the institute's newspaper "For a Soviet engineer." On its pages regularly there were published materials on communication departments and enterprises, addresses graduates, summed up the competition divisions and departments of the institute, told about his ties with alumni leading manufacturers.

In 1971-1975 there was a form of creative collaboration of universities and enterprises, as a joint decision-counter plans, as well as agreements on creative collaboration, provide for early execution of additional, but not specified in the Basic Agreement of research, consultation, joint conferences.

The directorate of KPI orientated research teams to sign long-term contracts or master. Based on them there have been identified major scientific and technical problems, which allowed researchers to focus on the implementation of the institute meaningful research to expand scientific themes of departments and laboratories. This path was chosen, in particular, the KPI and the plant "Tochelektropribor", concluded an agreement for a period of five years to develop a control apparatus, methods of testing devices AC, which allowed better plan joint research, conduct business in a complex, greater involvement of experts of the enterprises in scientific work.

For more efficient use of the scientific potential of the team KPI it was initiated the creation of a number of enterprises laboratories in certain areas of scientific and technological progress, which, together with the leading experts of the university there worked engineering factory workers. This allows the introduction of advanced technology in the production base of the enterprise and disseminate best practices for all companies within the industry. Thus, the Department of Information and measuring equipment, together with the plant "Tochelektropribor" created two interdepartmental research laboratories - phase meter and digital voltmeters. The results of scientific research implemented in the same enterprise [14, p. 40]. Similar laboratory operated at "Radiopribor", "Bolshevik", PA of Koroleva et al.

However, in the implementation of the achievements of university research in production there were "bottlenecks", untapped reserves. Thus, from those completed 155 researches it was introduced in 1973 only 105 [16, p. 33]. Do not perform scheduled deployment times scientific developments, it has not been established operational scientific and technical information, contact the ministries and departments, leading institutes and enterprises of individual industries, resulting in many scientific developments were not included in the sectoral plans for improvement of new technology. Experimental base is also not fully meet the needs of the scientific departments of the Institute, particularly in the manufacturing and testing of new equipment. A major shortcoming of the development of scientific developments and research in the industry was the fact that businesses showed little initiative to set in front of the Faculty Academic Council and departments specific tasks to further improve production. In KPI there were no complex researches that solve not only scientific problems, but also economic and technological plan of specific industries [5, p. 9, 46].