Production of metal powders
This film is about one of the branches of industry - production of metal powders - an example of the firm Leybold-Heraeus.
Powder metallurgy: high precision in mass production
Manufacture of metal powder - a promising process. It uses a very simple technology with relatively low energy consumption and with virtually no loss of material. How is this happening? The film introduces you to the method of manufacturing metal powders and parts of it, which is used by Mannesmann.
Exhibition of Achievements of powder metallurgy
History of Powder Metallurgy - a way to improve and create new materials and technological equipment needed to make them. This film deals with the history of one of the stages - the achievement of powder metallurgy as of 1985. You will see production and laboratory equipment, leading enterprises in the world at an international exhibition in Minsk.
Damping vibrations of mechanical systems
Mechanical vibrations are of particular importance in addressing durability of structures and buildings. Methods of prevention referred to in this film. You will see the destruction of the bridge due to oscillations. Also, by eliminating destructive vibrations proposed collective strength of the Institute of Problems of NAS of Ukraine.
Cracks in metal
Nature creates and destroys. People tend to reliability and sturdiness. It is important to know the causes of damage in time to avoid them. On one of these reasons - cracks - and methods of detection and prevention says in the film.
The strength of materials and structural elements under extreme conditions
Strength increasingly concerned about people. How to provide strength to the man-made structures? The film follows the development of the Institute for Problems of Strength on the methods of calculation components of modern technology to work in variable load and temperature in harsh environments and in neutron irradiation.