Rory Collins, an analyst and adviser to the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), paid a visit to KPI.

The parties plan to implement joint projects in various educational areas. They will start with humanitarian demining, which is one of the most pressing problems for the whole of Ukraine for the next decades.
Kyiv Polytechnic will apply international knowledge and experience in the activities of the first Ukrainian Center for Humanitarian Demining, which started its work this year.

KPI is already supported in this area by Japan and Azerbaijan. Now the UN representatives will join in!

“Everything I have heard today is the tremendous work of the Center in such a short period of time. Our organization sees potential here and is ready for long-term ties, in particular, in the exchange of experience and technologies in humanitarian demining. We are interested in cooperating with the Center and with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in general,” Mr. Collins said during the meeting.

Therefore, the organizations plan to implement trainings for deminers, train students - future specialists in the field of humanitarian demining and provide certification services for demining equipment.

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is currently active in Ukraine. It is helping to overcome the challenges caused by the war and build a successful future - from supporting EU accession to promoting sustainable development goals.

UNOPS provides support to Ukraine's energy, housing, healthcare, and education sectors.

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