Following the results of 2019, the head of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology of Organic Compounds (OXTOR), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Andriy Arturovych Fokin has once again become the leader of our university in publishing. His name is the first in the posted on the KPI website list "Authors-scientists of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, who have a h- index of 5 and above". It states that his works were cited 4463 times, and his h- index is 34. That is, 34 publications of A.A. Fokin were cited at least 34 times. Our correspondent talks to him

– First of all, we want to know what caused your success?

– If we analyze which scientists in Ukraine have the highest citation rates, we can see that they all work in the field of basic science. For many years, our department has been engaged mainly in basic research in the field of synthesis and study of diamondoids and related compounds.

The results of basic research, which deepen our knowledge and understanding of nature, are most often cited. All journals that have an impact factor above ten, such as "Nature", "Science", "Cell", "Journal of the American Chemical Society", publish only the results of basic research and almost do not publish applied works. Applied research can give you patents, new technologies, but almost never - high citation rates.

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]