The Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute team at the Ukrainian Climbing Students' Championship (under the "bouldering" program), which took place on February 7-9 in Kharkiv, won a license to participate in the Student World Championship. The world's most prestigious competitions in this sport were to be held in Italy this September. However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, they have been delayed for an indefinite period.
On the first day of the Ukrainian Championship, a student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics Victoria Brykalova, got the qualification.
In the final part of the competition, although she did not win the medals, having taken 4th place, she was licensed to participate in the world championship. Vika got acquainted with rock climbing in our club "KPIskala" in open competitions only a couple of years ago, and last year fulfilled the standard of the candidate for master of sports and became the champion of Ukraine(lead climbing).
On February 26, the rock climbing team of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute went to Kremenchuk, where licenses for the speed and leading climbing programs of the World Championship were also played. And here our team was not behind the curve and became the champion of Ukraine among higher education in rock climbing in the team event (leading climbing) and bronze medalist in all-around. And one more student, Nadia Sichkar who studies at the Institute of Printing and Publishing, also got the right to represent Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the World Cup.