Its core was established this year at the Paton Institute of Materials Science and Welding of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. 

Although the scientific organizations and innovative enterprises that joined this association are long-term partners of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the implementation of certain projects, its formal establishment took place during the meeting of the Supervisory Board of Paton IMS on December 4 this year.  It signed cooperation agreements with four institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: electric welding named after E.O. Paton, problems of materials science named after I.M.Frantsevych, problems of strength named after G.S.Pysarenko, superhard materials named after V.M.Bakul; as well as with two companies representing the high-tech industry of Ukraine - PJSC "PLAZMATEK" and LLC "Technology Park" Ukrainian Information and Telecommunication Technologies ". Michael Zgurovsky, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, signed the agreement on behalf of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and their first heads on behalf of institutes and companies.

Paton Institute for Materials Science and Welding is a new entity in Ukraine, because it is not just a structural unit of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, but also a certain cluster, which according to our agreements unites on the basis of cooperation agreements of four institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, two high-tech enterprises and eight departments of former engineering, physics and welding faculties, now united into one institute, - pointed out Michael Zgurovsky. - Such a model, in our opinion, is the most appropriate today, because high-tech business and production should give us their requirements for both training and the content of research. Together with the National Academy of Sciences, we must form scientific directions. And, of course, teachers of our university should be involved in all this work, which should provide quality staff support of the educational process, research and technological work. We very much hope that by successfully implementing the work of this association, we will set an example for other regions of Ukraine. “

Acting director of IMZ Yurii Sydorenko spoke at the meeting about the main components of cooperation in the fields of education, science and innovation . In the field of education, it is, first of all, the organization of the educational process in the dual form of higher education; joint development and implementation of modern educational programs; formation of the target order and maintenance of preparation in university of experts taking into account needs of partners; implementation by students of course and diploma projects, as well as dissertations on topics aimed at solving practical problems of partners, etc. In the field of scientific activity - conducting joint research, technological tests, experiments and so on; formation of joint project proposals for international project-grant programs; development of logistics of partners in the implementation of joint research projects and more. In the field of innovation - joint participation in the implementation of innovative projects in the field of high technology, the introduction of new highly efficient forms of production and sales of science-intensive competitive products in domestic and foreign markets: participation in competitions, tenders and other events held by various international foundations and organizations; assistance in the acquisition and protection of joint intellectual property rights; priority right in the introduction into the production of partner organizations of joint innovative ideas (startup projects), etc.

The meeting, given the quarantine restrictions, was held on-line: university representatives worked on the premises of the university, and other participants-signatories of the agreements - on the premises of their organizations. Therefore, the signing of documents had certain technical features. Vice-Rector for International Relations Serhiy Sydorenko informed the participants about them at the beginning of the meeting. Therefore, the agreements signed by the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on the same day were delivered to each head of the partner organization of the university, who signed the agreement remotely. These managers signed the received paper copies of the contract and left them for storage in the organizations. In return, the couriers received the agreements signed by the partners and brought them to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute for signing by Rector M.Z. Zgurovsky. These, the second, copies of each agreement will be kept at the university in the future.

"If we talk about the prospects of participation in this association of our and other academic institutes - it is, first of all, the training and provision of our institutes with young research staff," explained the director of the Paton Institute of Electric Welding, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ihor Kryvtsun. - Thus the task will be carried out not only at the level of general theoretical preparation on textbooks. No, students will conduct research together with specialists from the institutes of the Academy of Sciences. And, most importantly, they will understand the problems they will face in their real work and the challenges facing the high-tech industry. This is, in my opinion, the main value of such a cluster. Of course, there will be both horizontal and vertical connections between its members, which will allow them to jointly solve the problems facing both science and industry.”

So, the formal issues are resolved. The partners move to the practical implementation of joint projects and plans, which due to the new model of their interaction should make the system of training new specialists more effective, as well as significantly reduce the implementation of research results and projects in real innovative developments.

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