On 27 June, 2017 at the meeting of the thesis council D26.002.11 at the National Technical University of Ukraine " Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute" citizen of the Republic of Angola, assistant professor of the Faculty of Engineering at Agostinho Neto University Hamouil Joaquim Augustou Guerra (scientific consultant – professor of the Department of Design of machine Tools and Machines of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Nikolaevich Kuznetsov) publicly defended his doctoral thesis on "Genetic-morphological synthesis of chuck". By the decision of the council, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.), specialty 05.03.01 – machining processes, machines and tools, protocol No. 40.
In 2003, Hamuyela Zh. A. Guerra defended his thesis of Candidate of Sciences on "Improving the technical characteristics of non-stop worm gears of kinematic chains of machine tools" at the meeting of the Academic Council K23.073.01 of the Kirovograd State Technical University. In this university, he has been a student since 1990. In 1996, he received a diploma with honors and entered a postgraduate degree at the Department of Metal-cutting machines and tools. He graduated in 1998 and started working at Agostinho Neto University as an assistant professor of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Engineering. Prof. Yu. M. Kuznetsov, who was the first opponent of Hamuyela Zh. A. Guerra on the defense of the doctor thesis, became his scientific adviser in 2011. Yu. Kuznetsov suggested to add the elements of a new genetic and morphological approach, which is actively developing in our university, to the system and morphological approach, which Hamuyela Zh. A. Guerra got mastered while working on the candidate thesis.
The main scientific result was the further development of the theory of the synthesis of gripping mechanisms, the development and implementation of the methodology of multilevel genetic and morphological synthesis and the description of technical systems of varying complexity, which was tested in practice in relation to competitive chucks for various purposes and designs. Realizing the genetic principle "from simple to complex", the author of the development, relatively speaking, suggested the alphabet of rotary chucks.
The main results of the doctor thesis of Hamuyela Zh. A. Guerra were published in 57 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 22 articles in professional publications, 14 patents of Ukraine for inventions and utility models, and 1 patent of Ukraine for industrial design right.
Returning to Angola, Hamuyela Zh. A. Guerra expressed sincere gratitude to the management of the Igor Sikorsky KPI and promised to exert maximum efforts to maintain and develop friendly scientific and pedagogical relations between universities of Ukraine and Angola.
We wish the young doctor of technical sciences further creative successes and we hope for his active participation in the development of our cooperation!