The third phase of the Bologna Process held in Berlin on 18-19 September 2003, where was signed the relevant communiqué. Fundamentally new solution to the Berlin summit - the spread of common European requirements and standards on doctorates. It is established that the countries - the Bologna process - should be a doctorate - "PhD" in the relevant fields of knowledge (science, socio-humanitarian, economic, etc.). The formula of three-Education (3-5-8), according to which at least three years of play for "Bachelor" at least 5 years - for level "master" and at least 8 years old to obtain a graduate degree "Dr. philosophy. " It is important that educational and skill level and degree are seen as integral components of education rights. The attention on the need to promote European higher education. There was paid particular attention to the importance of monitoring and compliance with European standards on the quality of education throughout the space.
The standards in Europe develops and supports the well-known international organization entitled "European network of quality assurance (European Network Quality Assurance - ENQA)". There were developed additional modules, courses and curricula with European content, orientation and relevant organization and emphasized the important role to be played by higher education institutions to make a reality of lifelong learning. It is noted that the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area - two interconnected community of knowledge.