
This policy emphasizes the importance and necessity of engaging stakeholders in the University's development process. This allows the maintenance and development of human and social resources, as well as the strengthening of the leadership potential and material and technical base of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The University engages with stakeholders in both short-term and long-term forms of interaction, in alignment with its strategic goals and key activities.

The implementation of this policy will focus on:

Policy implementation will focus on:

1. Individuals who are obtaining higher education: students, postgraduates and other participants in the educational process, regardless of the form or type of education provided at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute;

2. University graduates who can act as representatives of the values and mentality of the university;

3. Administrative staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute responsible for the proper functioning of structural units, making managerial and personnel decisions, ensuring working conditions, as well as implementing the state policy on sustainable development;

4. The teaching and research staff of the university;

5. Partners, employers and other stakeholders whose requirements for the quality of graduate training, educational, scientific, innovative and social services serve as an indicator of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute's success and at the same time stimulate its further growth.

The goal of the policy of stakeholder engagement in the development of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is to establish conditions that facilitate the enhancement of the quality of training provided to future specialists and the optimisation of the university's performance.

The policy of stakeholder engagement in the development of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is guided by the following objectives:

1. The coordination of stakeholders' efforts to facilitate the implementation of the university's mission and vision, enhance the quality of educational services, establish partnerships and increase active social capital.

2. The formation of the academic community based on the principles of integrity, openness, transparency, legality, accountability and justice.

3. Facilitating the development of trusting relationships within the university to better manage risks, optimise interaction and understand the needs of stakeholders.

4. Regulating and monitoring the quality of the educational process, teaching methods, practice and research, and to promote the professional development of teaching staff.

5. Identifying key areas for the integration of innovation in the educational process.

6. Improving the conditions of the social environment, ensuring the provision of high-quality educational services to students and improving the material and technical resources available to the University.

7. The fostering of mutually beneficial relationships with partners and stakeholders for enhancing the university's competitive advantage, improving its reputation and creating a positive image in the education market.

8. The establishment of a framework for regular collaboration with alumni, who serve as ambassadors for the university's ethos.

9. The active involvement of investors and partners in the implementation of robust scientific, educational and technological projects.

Regardless of experience and skills, the priorities in dealing with stakeholders are honesty, openness, mutual interest, active engagement, accessibility, equality and impartiality.

Commitments of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

1. Stakeholder engagement commitments. The University is committed to the establishment of efficacious mechanisms for the regular communication with stakeholders, encompassing meetings, conferences, surveys, round tables, careers fairs, forums, engineering schools, and other pertinent avenues. This will guarantee the identification of the needs, expectations and feedback of all stakeholders.

2. Commitment to improving the quality of educational services. The University is committed to working in close collaboration with stakeholders to ensure that the curriculum is continuously updated in line with the evolving demands of the labour market. Furthermore, the University is committed to involving stakeholders in the development of new curricula and educational components.

3. Commitment to the development of material and technical resources. The University is committed to attracting resources from partners, investors and other stakeholders with a view to updating and modernising the material and technical base, which is essential to ensure the high quality of the educational process and research.

4. Commitment to practical training. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is committed to fostering systematic interaction with enterprises, companies and organisations with the objective of creating opportunities for students to undergo practical training, internships and dual education. This initiative is designed to equip students with the necessary competencies and enhance their competitiveness in the labour market.

5. Commitment to the dissemination of information. The University is committed to ensuring transparency and openness in its interaction with stakeholders. It will regularly inform them of the results of the implementation of the University Development Strategy, new initiatives, achievements and plans through available communication channels, such as the official website, social networks, channels and other information platforms.

6. Commitments in the field of international collaboration. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is committed to actively develop scientific and academic collaboration with international partners from Ukraine's partner countries. This is necessary for creating opportunities for the internationalisation of participant's individual educational and scientific trajectories in the educational process. To reinforce the university's presence in the global market for international educational services and to globalise innovation activities with a view to integrating the most effective foreign practices into the educational process, as well as to showcase Ukraine's scientific and innovative achievements on the international stage.

Final provisions

The effectiveness of this policy will be ensured through the implementation of a regular monitoring and evaluation process. This will be achieved through the analysis of feedback from key stakeholders, internal audits, student surveys and independent evaluations. The latter will include the creation of an online platform to explore the views of students, teachers, alumni, business, employers and other stakeholders on all aspects of the University's educational process and activities.

The undisputable conditions for the implementation of the policy are the University's reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures, which will be conducted through the analysis of student and staff feedback, statistical data, and other pertinent indicators. It falls upon the management, relevant departments and structural units of the University to implement this policy.

In order to enhance and optimise the policy, it will be subject to regular review and update, reflecting changes in the socio-economic environment and the needs of the University.

The functioning of the policy will be ensured through its availability on the official website of the University and awareness of it will be ensured among all students, employees and stakeholders.