
The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" acknowledges the significance of integrating the principles of sustainable development into its operations, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by global environmental, economic, and social concerns. The university strives to balance economic efficiency, social responsibility, and ecological sustainability. This balance plays a leading role in creating a culture of sustainable development through the realisation of educational, research, and management processes.

The purpose of the policy is to promote environmentally responsible, socially equitable, and economically sustainable investments. The University seeks to support the overarching goals of sustainable development by minimising any negative environmental impact through its investment decisions.

Investments are conducted in alignment with the ethical standards established by the university, avoiding companies or projects that harm the environment or negatively affect social groups. This approach ensures adherence to principles of social responsibility.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute also focuses on ensuring long-term financial stability. Investments are directed towards projects that generate stable and reliable revenues that guarantee the university's sustainable financial growth.

The objectives of the sustainable development investment policy are:

1. The definition of investment criteria. The formulation of transparent criteria and benchmarks for the assessment and selection of investments that align with the tenets of sustainable development, encompassing environmental, social, and governance considerations.

2. Ensuring financial stability and growth. Facilitating the university's financial goals achievement while ensuring that investments align with the sustainable development strategy.

3. Ensuring transparency and accountability. The development of transparent reporting mechanisms for investment decisions and their impact on sustainable development, as well as accountability measures for policy implementation,

4. The dissemination of knowledge and the fostering of awareness. The creation of educational and awareness-raising programmes for students, academic staff, and other stakeholders within the university community is to be undertaken to foster an understanding of the significance of sustainable investment and the principles of sustainable development.

5. The provision of support for innovation. Attraction investment in innovative solutions and technologies that contribute to sustainable development and address global environmental and social challenges.

6. Supporting corporate social responsibility. Integration of principles of social responsibility into the investment strategy, with particular emphasis placed on respect for human rights, ethical behaviour, and support for socially beneficial initiatives.

This policy contributes to the financial stability of the University by ensuring transparency and accountability in investment decisions. Furthermore, it supports educational programmes designed to enhance awareness of the importance of sustainable investment, promotes innovative technologies and solutions to global challenges, and integrates social responsibility principles into the University's investment strategy.

The main principles for investing in sustainable development are:

1. The capacity to innovate. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute employs contemporary technologies and solutions for sustainable development.

2. Transparency. All actions associated with sustainable development investments are accessible to the public and adhere to established reporting standards.

3. Social responsibility. The university's actions aimed at improving the quality of life in both local and global contexts.

4. Risk management comprises a meticulous examination and supervision of environmental, social, and governance risks in investment resolutions. This means the evaluation and reduction of potential adverse effects, thereby guaranteeing that investments are aligned with the tenets of sustainable development.

5. Environmental awareness. The promotion of an ecological culture among students and staff.

6. Partnership and cooperation. Cooperation with other organisations, governments, and community groups to achieve common goals of sustainable development. Such interaction allows us to pool resources, knowledge, and experience to address environmental and social issues effectively.

7. Long-term perspective. The University's investments are aimed at long-term solutions that will ensure sustainable development in the future.

These principles are designed to support the adoption of innovative technologies, increase transparency in all actions and reporting, promote social responsibility, and raise environmental awareness among all members of the University community.

Commitments of the University

1. Adherence to the principles of sustainable development. The University is dedicated to ensuring that all investment decisions are aligned with the principles of sustainable development, encompassing environmental responsibility, social responsibility, and governance.

2. The evaluation and monitoring. The University will conduct periodic assessments of the impact of its investments on the realisation of a sustainable future. This encompasses the continuous monitoring of the alignment of investments with the specified policies to guarantee their support of the sustainability goals.

3. Transparency and reporting. Ensure open reporting on investment decisions, their impacts and outcomes, and compliance with established standards and criteria.

4. Awareness raising and education. Ensuring transparency in the investment decision-making process is a key priority.

5. Stakeholder engagement. Active involvement of various stakeholders, including students, employees, the local community, and other interested parties in the investment decision-making process.

6. Risk analysis. A comprehensive analysis of the risks associated with the investment with a particular focus on potential negative environmental and social impacts.

7. Support for innovation. The investment of capital in innovative technologies and solutions that contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

8. Ethical standards. Adherence to high ethical standards in all investment decisions, including the fight against corruption and the assurance of fair business practices.

9. 9. Periodic review of the policy. It is essential to conduct periodic reviews of the sustainability investment policy to guarantee its continued relevance and responsiveness to emerging challenges and opportunities.

Final provisions

The effectiveness of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute's policy of investing in sustainable development is contingent upon the active collaboration of all stakeholders, regular monitoring of the situation, and prompt responsiveness to the needs of participants in the educational process.

The indisputable prerequisites for the policy implementation are the University's reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures based on feedback from the participants in the educational process, statistical data, and other relevant indicators.

The responsibility for this policy implementation lies with the management, relevant departments, and structural units of the University. To facilitate improvement and optimisation, the policy will be subject to regular review and update in line with changes in the socio-economic environment and the needs of participants in the educational process. The policy will be made available on the official website of the University and all participants in the educational process will be made aware of its existence.