University student's song "Gaudeamus" is played on official university events.

"Gaudeamus" (lat. Gaudeamus - will rejoice) - Student medieval folk song. According to the legend it was created atuniversity of Heidelberg. It starts with the words "Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus" ("Let’s rejoice while we are young"). The song of repentance, dated 1267, and partly melody I. H. Hunter "Brothers, let us rejoice" (1717) is in the basis of "Gaudi-amus". It was first published in 1776. In 1781 was improver by the German poet and traveler K. V. Kinderleben and this version became the most famous. "Gaudeamus" was used by F. List, I. Brams, A. Kos-Anatolskiy. E. Humperdink created opera "Gaudeamus" from the life of German students. Medieval "Gaudeamus" consisted of 7 parts.


Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus!
Post jucundam juventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Let us rejoice, therefore,
While we are young.
After a pleasant youth
After a troubling old age
The earth will have us.
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Vadite ad superos,
Transeas ad inferos,
Hos si vis videre!
Where are they who, before us,
Were in the world?
Go to the heavens
Cross over into hell
If you wish to see them.
Vita nostra brevis est,
Brevi finietur.
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter,
Nemini parcetur!
Our life is brief
Soon it will end.
Death comes quickly
Snatches us cruelly
To nobody shall it be spared.
Vivat Academia,
Vivant professores!
Vivat membrum quodlibet,
Vivant membra quolibet
Semper sint in flore!
Long live the academy!
Long live the professors!
Long live each student;
Long live the whole fraternity;
For ever may they flourish!
Vivant omnes virgines,
Graciles, formosae!
Vivant et mulieres
Tenerae, amabiles,
Bonae, laboriosae!
Long live all girls,
Easy [and] beautiful!
Long live [mature] women too,
Tender, lovable,
Good, [and] hard-working.
Vivat et Respublica
Et qui illam requnt!
Vivat nostra Civitas,
Mecenatum caritas,
Qui nos hic protequnt!
Long live the state as well
And he who rules it!
Long live our city
[And] the charity of benefactors
Which protects us here!
Pereat tristitia!
Pereant osores!
Pereat diabolus,
Quivis antiburchius!
Atque irrisores!
Let sadness perish!
Let haters perish!
Let the devil perish!
And also the opponents of the fraternities
And their mockers, too!
Quis confluxus hodie
E longinquo convenerunt,
Protinusque successerunt
In commune forum.
What a gathering
of academics is there today?
From far away they gathered,
Immediately they advanced
Into the public forum
Vivat nostra societas,
Vivant studiosi;
Crescat una veritas
Floreat fraternitas
Patriae prosperitas.
Long live our fellowship,
Long live the students;
May truth alone thrive
May brotherhood flourish
(and) the prosperity of the country.
Alma Mater floreat,
Quae nos educavit;
Caros et commilitones,
Dissitas in regiones
Sparsos, congregavit
May our Alma Mater flourish,
Which has taught us;
Dear ones and comrades,
(and) the scattered into places
Various, she congregated.