Contact Information:
FEL address: Academician Yangelia street 9/16, educational building 12, room 115 , 03056 , Kyiv, UkrainePhones for inquiries: + 380 44 204 8627 , + 380 44 204 9440
E-mail: fel[at]
Dean of FEL: Professor, Sergiy Naida
Faculty Day: the last day is Friday, May
Departments of the Faculty of Electronics
- Microelectronics Department
- Department of Electronic Devices and Systems
- Electronic Engineering Department
- Department of Electronic and Computing Equipment Engineering
- Department of Acoustic and Multimedia Electronic Systems
Faculty of Electronics consisting of Departments: " Ionic and Electronic Devices", " Dielectrics and Semiconductors" and "Industrial Electronics" was founded by the order of KPI rector from 24.10.1962. From 1962 to 1974 it was called "Faculty of Radio Electronics" ( FRE ), from 1974 to 1996 "Faculty of Electronic Engineering" ( FEE ), since1996 and till now it is called Faculty of Electronics ( FEL ).
Famous scientists, organizers of science and higher education, such professors as А.І. Vyshnevskyi, М.М Nekrasov and V.S. Rudenko participated in the creation of faculty. The first dean of the faculty was A.I. Vyshnevskyi. In the next years deans were: 1963-1966, 1970-1975 — prof. M. S. Ilchenko, 1966-1970 — prof. G.B. Serduk, 1975-1983 — prof. Y.M. Kalnibolotskyi, 1983-1992 — prof. Y.I. Yakymenko, 1992-2003 - prof. L.D. Pysarenko, 2003-2024 - prof. V.Y. Zhuykov. Since 01.01.2025 the dean of the faculty is Sergiy Naida.
The Department of Theoretical Electronics was founded on the Faculty in 1974 and was headed by the famous scientist and Professor V.P. Sigorskyi. In 1996 to the Faculty joined three departments of Electroacoustic Faculty, which at that time was headed by prof. V.G. Abakubov.
The department trains specialists in nanoelectronics, biomedical electronics, acoustics and acoustoelectronics, telecommunication system and industrial electronics, who are confident users of up-to-date computer design technologies and are capable of operating electronic and acoustic devices, devices and systems of a broad usage.
During studying students have opportunities to receive humanitarian, economic, general engineering and special training, including military service with getting an officer rank and the also have an advantage of the second higher education.
All the students do the practical training, the best ones work on probation abroad.
Students are provided with library, sports complex, dining room, and hostel.
Job placement is ensured with government contract, individual contract and free choice.
The graduates work as the managers and leading specialists of program developments and technical projects in electronics, medical apparatus building, acoustotechnologies and information science in research institutes, electronic enterprises, state management establishments and commercial structures of Ukraine and abroad ( in the countries of CIS, the USA, Canada, Germany, Korea etc.)
About 21 thousand of engineers and masters, more than 400 candidates and 40 doctors of science have graduated from the Faculty; scientific schools have been founded in Ukraine and abroad.
The graduates work in such fields:
- Information microelectronic systems
- Micro- and nanoelectronic appliances and devices
- Physical electronics
- Biomedical electronics
- Medical diagnostics computer means
- Electronics of physicotechnical systems
- Information systems electronics
- Power and microprocessor systems electronics
- Computer systems electronics
- Acoustic multimedia technologies
- Computer processing and acoustic information protection
- Acoustic methods of diagnostics and monitoring
- Bioacoustic technologies
- Video, audio and cine technique
- Formatting systems, transformation and video content registration
- Information-computing means of electronic apparatus building
- Problem-oriented electronic computing means
- Telecommunication systems and networks
- Information transfer, transformation and registration systems
- System integration of telecommunication equipment