The Eurasian project "Water harmony ІІ" is an unique educational project, that united 10 universities from 7 countries: Norway, Ukraine, Belarus, Tadjikistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan. A primary project`s aim is an accumulation of knowledge and integration of them in scientifically-educational activity with participating countries, that care of issues of water control in the context of steady development, and also engage in technologies of water treatment and water purification.

   Within the work of the meeting every participating country of project accepts the representatives of other universities with an obligatory acquaintance with the state of laboratoryequipment, realization of lecture or practical employments, on-line conferences and students report.

   The significant part of the program is summer school, that is traditionally organized and accepted the Norwegian university of natural sciences (NMBU). In 2020 Norway will again invite the students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute from Junes, 22 to July, 12. Requirements to the pretenders: fluent English, high middle point, the presence in the individual curriculum of disciplines from water treatment. More information can be found on the web-site of department of technology of inorganics, water treatment and chemical technology on the page of news.

   The representatives of student collectives of all universities have been participated last summer during three weeks in-process summer school. In the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the students of department of technology of inorganics, water treatment and general chemical technology were presented: A.Bolshak, V.Kurylenko and K.Valter.

   The educational process of summer school envisaged lectures, laboratory and computer practical work, that allowed students to become familiar with the modern effective methods of preparation of water, get possibility to execute laboratory works with application of modern equipment, and also purchase certain abilities from the design of the water-purifying systems. The separate block of subjects is a question of preparation of water in the conditions of arctic climate. It was a great luck for students to see the processes of water treatment on the water-purifying stations of Norway, in particular on the island of Senya, that is geographically located after the polar circle.

   With the aim of fixing the knowledge to students it is suggested to execute a term paper, where you have to present modernisation of existent charts of preparation of water in Kyiv, and protect these works students have on-line with a worthy commission of the teachers of universities.

   For the participants of summer school were also organized an excursion to Oslo and evenings of national holidays, for example, of cookery. The Ukrainian students helped to all participants with national Ukrainian foods - borsch and vareniks.

Fjords of Norway

   On the whole, students in an informal situation became familiar with the features of educational process in the universities of project "Water harmony ІІ" and found new friends.

   The coordinator of the project and organizers of educational process in NMBU on questions water subjects is a professor H.Ratnavir- graduating student of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; his helpers - also the graduating students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the different years: Z.Maletsky, N.Sivchenko, V.Shostak.,R.Kushel.

   The potential of participants of project allows to pull out higher requirements and gain knowledge and results in the educational and scientific spheres of water treatment and water purification.

N.Tolstopalova and O.Sanhinova