Smart Shelter CLUST Space 3D Visualization

The first innovative smart shelter in Ukraine — Smart Shelter CLUST Space — is being created in the former book storage of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Library.

Object Training in Civil Defense

Special civil defense training for management structures took place at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Their goal is to equip workers with knowledge and skills that will help protect them from threats in case of russian airstrikes.

How to act in emergency situations

The occupation of the territory of Ukraine  is the probable escalation of the conflict in the east of the state, worsening of social and political situation, the high level of terrorist and subversive threats in  Kiev determines the necessity for training of civil protection.

Civil defense: a training

According to the plan of training of civil defense of the University a special training was held at October, 16.

To the rescuer day 2009

September 17 Ukraine celebrates the Day of rescuer - a professional holiday of civil defense (Civil Protection) population - emergency services, fire protection and other special groups that are directly involved in the emergency response of technogenic and natural disasters.

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