The disaster at Chernobyl demonstrated the need to create robotic systems, capable of working in dangerous for life and health situations. The development of such systems since 1996 actively carried out in the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of mechanics problems (IDRI MP) "Rhythm" of FAX.

One of the first such systems created by a team of experts led by prof. Yu.A.Karpachova was propelled robot MP711M made on the basis of domestic mini-excavator. The robot is equipped with a radio system, navigation, machine vision, and additional radiation monitoring Trailers. It can perform radiation survey and visual observation to detect and, if necessary, crushed solid radioactive waste, load them into protective Co. Mr. teynery containers and transported to places further storage.

Over time, a series of light radiation-resistant robots designed for browsing ment of a wide range of work in the destroyed reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Robot RTC-300 is designed for cutting and metal pipes under-reactor premises in reactor number 4 of Chernobyl, developed jointly with specialists of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory behalf of the Lawrence (USA). The technology of waterjet cutting metal structures that used in the development work of the RTC-300, was also browsing at rystana when creating remote-controlled hospital complex K715, appoint tion is to grind high long-length multi nuclear reactors.

Multifunction employers and hardware RTK and RTK-100M-100R, have high radiation resistance, and the construction works undercarriage provides high cross that makes them indispensable during exploration and manufacturing operations in the reactor hall of Unit 4 of Chernobyl.

For the inspection of premises Unit 4, which is not directly accessible, the institute developed a series of downhole RTK10. Such activities allow you to spend OBST is TION spaces and cavities through exploration wells that go into these rooms. In its arsenal of a series RTK10 have a wide range of technological equipment - cranes, radiation-resistant television equipment, dosimetry da t chyky, temperature sensors, humidity, etc., which provides the operational co n troll technical condition of the premises, take samples palyvoutrymuyuchyh masses and radioactive dust.

Late last year, the Institute team won an honorable second prize in the National competition of innovative technologies in "machinery and pryladobud in the bathroom" for the project "Technology and mobile robot for exploration, monitoring and technical operations in extreme hazardous to human conditions."

The work continues.

YM Rudyk, Deputy Director MNDI PM "Rhythm"