Мир і війна Олександра Донського

Серед випускників, або колишніх студентів КПІ, які стали видатними спортсменами, найчастіше згадують футболіста Віктора Лобановського та гімнастку Ларису Латиніну. Проте, були й інші, імена яких свого часу гриміли на спортивних аренах усього світу. Одним із них є штангіст Олександр Донський.

Remember forever

One of the most significant events of this year's сommemoration of the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster was to be the grand opening in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute monument to one of the first liquidators of its consequences, the Hero of Ukraine, a graduate of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Olexander Grygorovych Lelechenko. Unfortunately, due to quarantine, its grand opening had to be postponed…

Alumni Event of the 1989 graduates of FIOT

In the summer, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of graduation, a meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering (until 1986 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering), which studied in the specialty "Computer Engineering"-groups ІV-31, ІV-32,

Oleksandr Lelechenko: saved country and the whole world

The years go by, but the names of heroes, who at the time of disaster were curbing unbridled nuclear power with no hesitation, do not vanish from the memory of thankful compatriots. Annually, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute reports about engineers, both dead and alive, who participated in elimination of the accident consequences.

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