Oleg Skrypka: I Believe in Ukraine

Numerous fans gathered in NTB (science-tech library) at the meet-the-artist event with the graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic, famous rock musician Oleg Skrypka on October 25.

Flag that survived the war

The flag, which Kyiv Polytechnic associates, who have been at war, and have brought it through fire and battles, was presented as a gift for the university.

In memoriam of Maksym Shapoval

Tragic death of Maksym Shapoval has affected the whole Ukraine. But his name became known to his compatriots only upon his death on the 27th of June this year. It couldn’t be the other way – he was absolutely no fan of public life.

Alumni meeting of thermal power engineers

On a warm May day, as always "unconventional", there was a meeting of alumni of the TP-52, TEF, 2001 year of graduation. Former students in full gathered together with their families in the Bucha Extreme Park.

After Maidan. Interview with Dmitry Bulatov

            On 14th October, Day of Defender Ukraine, Dmitry Bulatov, known public figure, former Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, a ATO veteran , graduate, and now again the student of KPI after Igor Sikorsky, took part in commemo

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