"Knowledge at the Tip of Your Fingers…" for Doctors and Patients

The project of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute scientists entitled “Knowledge at the Tip of Your Fingers: Clinical Knowledge for Humanity (KATY)”  in the competition H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2020-1 within the European Union program “HORIZON 2020” has been selected for funding

The characteristics of radar stations will be improved

With the help of modern radar stations, images of the earth's surface are obtained, which are used for weather forecasting, research of natural resources, geological exploration, monitoring of catastrophes, ecological pollution, etc.

Weekdays of future specialists in the production of devices

The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering prepares specialists at three levels of higher education in the speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", educational program "Computer-integrated device production technologies".

IEE scientists won a grant from the HORIZON 2020 competition!

The project with a long but eloquent for experts title "Simultaneous conversion of ambient heat and unwanted vibrations into electricity by nanotube-electrification during intrusion / extrusion of non-wetting liquid into nanopores / from nanopores" get a positive review within the H2020-FETPROAC

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