Coordinator of the Legal Clinic KPI

The Faculty of Sociology and Law can rightly be proud of its graduates and the best students who are studying now. In particular, the Faculty of Sociology and Law can rightly be proud of its nominal scholarships.

To make the secret obvious

This charming student engaged in extremely interesting thing: she is able to find a hidden secret and hide so that specialists and not immediately found. Meet - Mrs.Cherepachova , student of 6th courseof FPT, department of physical and technical protection of information.

Grant holdres of head of the university of the FTI

The student Alexander Kireenko from FTI - a serious person and self-sufficient. This semester was awarded scholarships of the rector NTUU «KPI". Alexander describes himself as a focused , responsible and punctual .

Rector's scholars of VPI 2015

In this semester, several students of Publishing and Printing Institute, which is the focus of femininity and beauty in the KPI, were appointed scholarships by rector.

Lubov and electric cars

A student of 6th course FEA Lubov Kobzenko trained in the specialty "Electrical machines and devices". Training in the best universities of Ukraine - "KPI" - was the realization of one of her dreams.

Continuing of founders traditions

In the era of IT technologies and innovative projects we sometimes forget about fundamental branches of engineering, foundry in particular. But thanks to the casting technology we get workpieces with complex configuration and geometry and high (98%) utilization rate of metal.

Scholarship rector of PPI

Volodimir Vorobiy is a very gifted person from fourth course of PPI department of printing machines and automated complexes. He finished school with a gold medal, took an active part in the social life of the school, also, he was participant and winner of contests, competitions, including the Small Academy of Sciences, and artistic performances. With such a thorough training guy could choose any institution. But he chose NTUU “KPI” which is the best native university which is known its quality of education and relevance of education graduates.

Specialists in information defence - grant holdres of head of the university

At modern IT companies graduates of the FTI are strongly required. Foundamental education of basic knowledge and modern special knowledges will let them work at world-known corporations, state enterprises and private companies. Student of the sixth course Dmutro Progonov and student of the 5th course Olexander Kornienko are specialists in technical defence of the information. They are the best students of the FTI and they are grant holders of the head of the university.

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