Polyglot of FL - Rector scholar

For excellent learning, scientific research inventive and active citizenship best students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute this semester  received a nominal stipend. Among them - the mayor of group LA-31 in the Faculty of Linguistics Anna Hresova.

To your success, dreamers! The scholar of the rector 2016 FEL

Everything flows, everything changes... This is an ancient phrase, which is relevant in our time, when the ultra–fast pace of developing technology into a single unit fused technical and human capacities as the ability to clearly set goals and is already a necessity to be able to implement them.

Believe in yourself and don't be lazy

By such principle lives Anastasia Kabanova 6 year IHF student. She studies well, and is active in her public life. For four years she had been a head of group.

Vadym Mazur – rectorial scholar of IME

"In a few months I’ll have a diploma defense, graduate ... and I miss my Polytechnic" - Vadym Mazur began his story in this way. He is the magistrand of the Department of laser technology, physical and engineering technologies, rectorial scholar in this semester.

Oleksiy Melnyk – rectorial scholar of FEA

During this semester a five year student of FEA, from the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive (AEMS-EP) Oleksiy Melnyk receives rectorial scholarship. The youth advances carefully and consistently to the future profession.

Rector fellow of FSL

The name of Tatiana Chekaramit - student of 6th course is among the registered fellows of Faculty of Sociology and Law. She studies diligently and is interested in scientific intelligence.

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